
What we NEED: Document Library, ...

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  • posted by mavsguy842 on June 28, 2025 - 6:14am
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    What this site needs is a document library where users can place official documents such as UN docs, Senate and House bills, treaties, etc... This would help make unity08.com a place where we not only gather, but inform ourselves and each other with readily available facts. An electronic document library would go a long way to moving the forums into discussions of common facts using agreed-upon terms and phrases, enstead of toward circular, meandering arguing with little or no evidence to share and debate.

    Who agrees? What else does this site need?

    Matt Callaway


    mavsguy842 on June 28, 2025 - 1:45pm

    The reason why I personally would like to have a document library is because I've painstakingly scoured the United Nations website and collected over 1,000 documents concerning the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. I've also collected many maps and treaties/declarations concerning the conflict. In order to correctly link back to these documents would take a long time. I'd also be concerned about a document's location being moved leaving our links useless.

    Any ideas about this anyone???

    Matt Callaway

    All sunshine and no rain make a desert.

    nlowell on June 28, 2025 - 8:53am

    If the documents are already on the web, there's no reason to replicate them on here.

    PERHAPS what we need is a set of delicious tags like u08-energy, u08-immigration, u08-constitution, or whatever.

    There may be a more elegant way to do it, but Drupal has an RSS aggregator module that can then be used to capture that tag feed and display the feed within the Unity08 community site.