Constitution Under Attack

posted by martiniano on June 28, 2025 - 12:23am
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The Constitution of the United States had guided our nation since 1789. It has been amended along the way because our nation has changed. An obvious example of social change and Constitutional amendment is the issue of slavery. Some of the men who wrote the document were slave owners. After that peculiar institution was deemed immoral our guiding document was amended.

But now some want to amend it to outlaw gay marriage. Some want to amend it to outlaw flag burning. Others want abortion outlawed Constitutionally. Are these issues of the same social gravity as slavery, freedom of the press, freedom of speech and the right to bear arms? Are we walking onto a slippery slope if we start making such changes to our guiding document?

Why isn't the Constitution good enough as it stands? Personally, I like it the way it is and there is no current issue weighty enough to justify ammendment. What do you think?

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mystic61 on April 28, 2025 - 8:32am

Sparkling towers glittering’ with gold, in the shadow’ of a neon light” I see far down in the cold wet damp alleyway the dim reality of a broken man! Far from the runway of hope and the country that failed him! The home my father gave him his own land the promise land of milk and honey. Now a cold greedy vile place for him this is not your land” it is his. You have given it to other countries and left him without food or even a home. Making hotels for the rich and wealthy selling your gift to the highest bidder turning your eyes away from yourself from the reason you are here? Witch is to worship what you have, what you were given locking them up selling them out his people your people the chosen people of god! I condemn you government and the law you have corrupted Gods’ law the morals that my forefathers, wrote of truth and happiness where is the truth in free? You liars and vipers of the truth hiding behind corrupt lawless ness changing everything around for your own benefits not the welfare of pore people who you use! I curse you I hold you accountable for the things you have not dune! Witch is raising your standards higher as a beacon of light for the rest of the world to see! Jesus my brother spoke of tearing temples down and rebuilding them in three days and so you murdered him for it! This land here was a gift to the people you abandoned. I fight for them. The reason my father destroyed two city’s was because there where not many good people left there as why New Orleans was destroyed. See my father made me as he made you what is the difference between you and the poor or you and the sick? Does your wealth make you better than them can the house you live in feel pain? No but it sure could relieve some if it was built for them. I do not want to sound like some nut that just fell of the Brooklyn Bridge and lived to tell the tale, But for gods sake look at the welfares of the chosen people of god before I decide you cannot do it! Thank you for your time’.

KrisW on April 28, 2025 - 10:34am

Why aren't the 'ususal suspects' (reino, quicksilver, sugar) ranting about this "mystic"?

Quicksilver on April 22, 2025 - 7:49pm

Agreed that it's fine as is. It just needs to be protected and followed.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

KrisW on April 25, 2025 - 12:54pm

Provided it's enforced.

Not simply walked all over by judicial tyrannts.

KrisW on April 21, 2025 - 1:00pm

The fact that the Pennsylvania Superior Court doesn't obey their own due process is still more evidence of the Bill of Rights is being eviscerated by judical elites and sychophants who serve them.

KrisW on April 20, 2025 - 1:07pm

Harry Reid the other day made the ad hoc statement that the War in Iraq "is lost".

What has REALLY been lost is the Bill of Rights; usurped from the people by the judicial tyrants and their 'firemen' in the star chamber. I have ample evidence to show that, but the Courts have constructed a 'black wall' to keep it from being presented in Court.

unevenly on April 20, 2025 - 11:34am

Perpetual wars, as the cold war and the drug war, inevitably increase federal powers, especially in the executive branch, and erode the Constitutional foundations of our country. One might even suspect that Dick Cheney wanted a 'war on terror' as part of his decades old effort to increase the power of the Presidency.

The other key problem with wars on nouns is that they are based on an assumption that government can meddle in complex situations, poverty, drug use, or other nations, and control the outcomes of that meddling. That is FALSE. The reason the CIA so loved dictatorships in Latin America for so long was because democracies are so much less controllable than dictatorships. We overthrew democracy in Iran in the 1950's installed the Shah as dictator, supported his bloody reign with money and the CIA, and ended up with the Ayatollah.

The ONLY rational and pragmatic guides for our foriegn policy is therefore ethics and restraint. Restraint especially now that, as the world's sole superpower, we are inherently threatening to other nations. The world is not a corporation that can be managed, it is vastly more complex, and wildly unpredictable. If we do help, as with infrastructure, rather than weapons, and things turn out well, we make friends, if our help fails, we still make few enemies, because our intentions were clear.

Brutal, 'realpolitik' foriegn policy activities may sound pragmatic, but the reality is that the outcomes are unpredictable, and it makes more enemies than friends.

Quicksilver on April 20, 2025 - 1:16pm

I agree. I am patriotic, but the waving of too many flags - even American - is always scary - it reminds me of seas of white flags with a red circle, or red flags with black swastikas...

The perversion of patriotism by these chicken hawks - ("congress is defunding the troops" - yet it is Bush who will veto the spending appropriations - for a recent example), is disgusting.

IF they really cared about terror, we'd have pursued and captured Bin Laden, and wouldn't be in Iraq for it's oil. We'd have secured our ports and borders. We'd aim for energy independence so we wouldn't be sending money those that hate us. We'd look for peace and support from the rest of the civilized world, rather than alienating and bullying.

To your point - it's a typical tactic used to seize power - declare a crisis that demands greater central control to address an emergency, play upon patriotism, then prolong the emergency to cement the gain of power.

A start to regaining balance would be repeal of the diabolically named "Patriot Act". It's really the "Give up your rights act".

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

Machine on April 20, 2025 - 9:28am

I like the Constitution just the way it is. However, our forefathers could not visualize events over 200 years later. Presently the First Ammendment is being used for evil purposes. The First Ammendment must be up-dated. Just to have a judicial decree that one cannot yell FIRE in a crowded theater is insufficient. Perversion, pornography and hate speech must be limited. We must give up "some" freedoms to perserve our basic rights !! Jake Jacobson Boca Raton, Florida

John Milligan on April 20, 2025 - 11:03am

What was it who said "The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance". We need to take our own responsibility to sort out the wheat from the chaff individually that which is used for evil purposes. The First Amendment is just fine the way it is and does not need any updates. The "Fire Speech" and like must be extinguished at a individual/societal level and not constitutionally. We need to step up on these questions and not think government or the constituional change will suffice. There are no easy shortcuts to freedom. It comes with responsibility.

GEA on April 20, 2025 - 11:26am

Our Constitution is abused by legal firms trying to make a buck.

Let's look at current events --

1) Did lots of people know the Virginia Tech killer was dangerous? - Yes
2) Why didn't they do something? Were they uncaring? No, Were they all incompetent? No, not all.

The clear reason is that their hands were tied or inaction caused by the liability of being sued for money. This also pertains to any actions the Virginia legislature took to codify the behavior of academic institutions in an attempt to avoid litigation, based ostensibly on our constitution.

So the bottom line is money, lawyers trying to make it or lawyers trying to keep from losing it. These folks who are battling over money lose the perspective that money isn't the most important thing.

KrisW on April 24, 2025 - 10:36am

The VA tech didn't occur because of liability issues among lawyers.

Much like Hitler, the system produces circumstances that allow such tradegies to happen. In addition to a legal system that only serves itself, the cultural system puts an emphisis on material sucess and 'going with the crowd'. Those who don't buy into the 'groupthink' of this social darwinism become ostracized. In extreme cases like Cho, they put into practice thier own form of social darwinism.

62monzaman on April 24, 2025 - 12:15pm


Don't justify the actions of a madman by citing psuedo-logic and blaming the "system".

Even for you, this is a new low-point.

If you really believe that this man's behavior can be rationalized with this argument, then you should seek professional help.

Jeff C

KrisW on April 25, 2025 - 12:53pm

True or False?

The harshness of the Treaty of Versailles led to the conditions that allowed Hitler's rise to power.

The draconian measures of the Shah's Suvok (secret police) led to the conditions that set up the Islamic Republic in Iran.

The only thing that is a "load of crap" is that Americans are so convinced this sytem is 'better', they are too myopic to see its failures.

John Milligan on April 26, 2025 - 11:19am

So you are saying Kris that the suicide bomber's in the ME are justified for taking innocent life for their perceived humiliations and grievances? The Cho's, Hitlers, Nazis, Salafis/Jihadis/Hirabist, etc all consider themselves victims and justify their actions against innocents as being forced into it. Come On! Get real!

KrisW on April 26, 2025 - 11:56am

I said no such thing.

I said a culture that emphisises material wealth and multi-cultural tolerence (while accepting autocracy and judicial tyranny) sows the same sort of seeds for terrorism as Germany in 30's or Iran in the 70's.

John Milligan on April 26, 2025 - 12:13pm

So Hitler and the Mullahs and Jihadis and Cho's are just the victims of this wealth and culture rather than power players with their own agendas? Is that what you are say there Kris??

KrisW on April 26, 2025 - 12:19pm

Keep twisting my words, John.

It only shows you are like a lawyer/pedophile.

I'm not many any "excuses" for people like Cho, I'm only explaining the conditions that create them.

The same sort of conditions that create suicide bombers in the Middle East.

John Milligan on April 26, 2025 - 12:26pm

But you ARE!! You ARE making excuses there Kris! No twisting needed by me! I'm no lawyer whatever!

KrisW on April 26, 2025 - 3:12pm

Explanations do NOT equal "excuses".

But please, feel free to keep up your harraung.

GEA on April 24, 2025 - 11:40am

I am not considering Cho's point of view. Crazy is as crzy does, and there is no explaining it.

In general, I agree that there are other factors than liability created by greedy lawyers that serves to coddle dangerous people.

In this specific case though, some of those other reasons don't apply -- there was a clear call as to there being a problem by the very people who would often encourage the politically correct thinking from a societal benefit perspective.

In this case, even the bleeding heart types were calling for action. What I am saying is that action by sane minds was restricted due to the fear of legal liability.

KrisW on April 26, 2025 - 10:50am

Some the "other factors" are Judges who betray the Constitution.

Earn Snyder on April 15, 2025 - 6:03pm

LONG LIVE THE 3 BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT AS MEANT BY THE FOUNDING FATHERS! AS A U.S. PRESIDENT IS THE HEART AND SOUL OF THE NATION WHILE CONGRESS MAKES POLICY AND WAR! The Supreme Court must step in as they tampered and screwed the balance of powers up! What kind of men are holding this wooden hammer!
Confusing the people from the simple truth while building more institutionalization by unresolved committee rather than obvious reforms by God given technology.
Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit

GEA on April 15, 2025 - 6:19pm

Welcome Back Earn!

jeld803 on April 12, 2025 - 8:43pm

aside from nominating president and vice president turning this country back into the hands of the people should also start with
DE-LOUSING the house. the house of representatives could be replaced or almost totally replaced in one vote. then the problems of re-districting, lobby reform and a multitude of other sins could be dealt with. nominate individuals to even 1st time get 5% and that will shake things up.

KrisW on April 12, 2025 - 10:31pm

You could start with Nancy Pelosi and John Murtha.

Quicksilver on April 13, 2025 - 7:17am

What's with you, Kris? In love with Rove? There are undoubtedly some bad dems, but Pelosi and Murtha? Far from the worst.
just to name a few ... that have been caught. This from the party that was to restore integrity. Now that the US Attorneys have been purged of non-believers, we'll have to wait for more.
"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone".

Have you ever voted for a Democrat? I have voted for many Republicans - both local and national. I do have a problem with this administration and the abuses of the Republicans of the past several years, but I get the feeling you see all Democrats as bad, given your vehement defense of any criticism of the Republican talking points, and your bringing in Clinton for comparison.
I never voted for Clinton, and even if I did, the current dismal state of affairs is not of his creation.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

KrisW on April 14, 2025 - 1:35am

Actually, I think Karl Rove is the guy the Republicans need to get rid of. He's just their version of James Carville (a spin master)

But feel free to keep putting words in my mouth and jumping to conclusions. After four years of living under the tyranny of the Pennslvania Judicial system, another meathead like you doesn't bother me that much.

Quicksilver on April 14, 2025 - 8:16am

I think it funny that your arguments are all RNC talking points. You never answered - are you a republican? Have you ever voted for a democrat?
The goal of a perpetual, entrenched republican majority in the judicial and legislative branches - the espoused goal of Rove - is very scary, and the rotund weasel came close....

I want to add that I think an entrenched democratic control is also scary - I feel we need balance.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

KrisW on April 15, 2025 - 6:17pm

And I think it is funny you parrot the line of John Murtha.

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