
User Comments

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  • posted by Reece on June 14, 2025 - 9:49am
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    I think one thing that would be nice would be if comments on topics were displayed in terms of oldest at the top of the screen and newest at the bottom instead of the other way around. I don't know about everyone else, but displaying the comments the way they are now is kind of confusing for me. Does anyone else agree with me on this?


    Anonymous on July 5, 2025 - 3:22pm

    "Anonymous" has been the issue of other Shoutboxes and the answer could have been found there.
    It does seemingly fit with the title but if you read the intent of Reece it has to do with the order of the comments.

    (of course there may be an anonymous with multiple personalities that don't get along.)

    SATXRich on July 5, 2025 - 3:11pm


    1. Multiple users.
    2. It is the default value if you are not registered / logged in.
    3. I suspect some folks don't realize you should put in something others just want privacy even from posting a 'screenname'.
    4. If you do register a screenname then you are the only one that can use it which prevents someone from posing as "Edmond"



    Edmond on July 5, 2025 - 3:07pm

    I am new to BLogs and ShoutBoxes; but Anonymous sure makes a lot of entries. Is Anonymous a unique User ID or do multiple people use this same ID?

    nlowell on June 14, 2025 - 12:38pm

    On the longer threads it would be exceptionally tedius to scroll to the bottom each time to find the latest.

    I'm used to the "reverse chronological" posting because it's so common on the web.

    Others may have other opinions.