]> Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2025 Presidential Race - Issues for Discussion http://unity08.com/taxonomy/term/6/0 Debate the issues that are crucial to America's future and help shape the Unity08 platform. en Thanksgiving lesson http://unity08.com/node/541 <p>While waiting for the thanksgiving dinner to be served a discussion between two of the guests over politics got pretty nasty and the fur began to fly. A truce was called and the dinner was consumed. After dinner I joined in a discussion that continued on the back deck where the smokers congregated. Deciding that anger and finger pointing was counterproductive we decided to look at each item and see what we could agree upon. There were points and counterpoints but we did seem to agree that pork, ethics and campaign reform was sorely needed. Same sex marriages, immigration, Iraq was also discussed but the least divisive were the Big three. I believe that these should be our main issues in our quest for the White House in 08. Lets face it, if a flaming liberal(daughter) and a neo-consertive (brother) can actually agree on some things gives us hope that this country can do the same.</p> Issues for Discussion Sat, 25 Nov 2025 10:04:05 -0800 Post election feast slumber http://unity08.com/node/518 <p>It might be me but I sense, that after the election, the fever has abated. The winners are gathering up their spoils and the losers are licking their wounds. This might be a temporary lull which I hope is the case. It remains to be seen if the calls for significant change will remain high or, since the control of congress has changed hands, will the most vocal of us be satisfied with the outcome and lose interest. If that happens then I guess the clamor was only for a partisan victory and the ideals put forward were thinly concealed attempts to further the Democrats rise to power. If this is the case then Unity08 is going to wither away with it's so called lofty goals. Remember that a lot of people voted out of anger and relentless prodding by the media but do you think that all of them will stick with their support of the Democrats who might or might not represent their interest on so many issues? I think not, the losers will come together after awhile and the partisan attacks will start again. Does anyone really think that Washington will change as far as the way it does business? I think not, at least in any meaningful way. Sure different takes on different problems might come forward, some good and some bad but the underlying graft, vote buying, pork, lobbyist activity and general partisan bickering will continue with new faces on each side. Both sides will try to achieve power and at the same time squeeze out the Independents. How many of our members at Unity08, who screamed the loudest, are going to stick with our theme and not fade away. If all they wanted was a party control change then they are not needed here. Time will tell. Again, I hope I am wrong and I for one will stick around for awhile and see if this ship is sinking, staying on course, or steaming ahead.</p> Issues for Discussion Mon, 13 Nov 2025 06:28:12 -0800 Sign the Unity Petition! http://unity08.com/node/499 <p>Hey, I finally got off my dead butt and looked into it, said my two cents worth, hit the refresh button a couple of times and watched the comments racking up, hey it might not help but what can it hurt. Doesn't take long either.</p> Issues for Discussion Fri, 03 Nov 2025 12:18:20 -0800 Six year, one term president http://unity08.com/node/492 <p>I wonder how many people that read and post comments on this web site have read the Confederate Constitution? Aside from the obvious repugnant sections referring to slavery the document was almost a carbon copy of the US constitution but they did make some changes that were designed to make the government more fiscally responsible and control spending such as Line item veto, pork barrel spending and more. It also limited the president to one six year term. I suggest you check it out with a open mind and comment on them.</p> Issues for Discussion Wed, 01 Nov 2025 04:16:51 -0800 Media, propaganda and Unity08 http://unity08.com/node/483 <p>If I understand it propaganda is the truth but not all the truth, but only the facts that conforms to the message we are supposed to get. The media, talk show hosts, politicians and more constantly bombard us everyday with this. It's sad when we have to go to numerous sources to just get the facts on a particular subject. Political facts are some of the worst, I for one will not even read or listen to the blatantly biased voices whether in print, on TV or whatever, no matter which side they take.</p> Issues for Discussion Sun, 29 Oct 2025 17:05:04 -0800 To New Yorkers: Write-in a Senate Candidate this Election Day http://unity08.com/node/482 <p>Hillary Clinton has done nothing substantial for the people of New York State. The only viable alternative is John Spencer, who just rattles off the same old party line. It's time for New Yorkers to send a message and to write in another name rather than vote for Clinton or Spencer.</p> <p>Serious Pick: Rudy Giuliani</p> <p>Humorous Pick: Lewis Black</p> Issues for Discussion Sun, 29 Oct 2025 11:20:32 -0800 Possible Centrist Presidential Candidates for Unity08 http://unity08.com/node/481 <p>In no particular order:</p> <p>Democrats-- Former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina; Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana; Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa; Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana; Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska; Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas; Gov. Janet Napolitano of Arizona; Retired Gen. Wesley Clark; Former Sen. Bob Graham of Florida; Gov. Tim Kaine of Virginia; Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut.</p> <p>Republicans-- Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine; Sen. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island; Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City; Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska; Retired Gen. Anthony Zinni.</p> Issues for Discussion Sun, 29 Oct 2025 11:16:36 -0800 What does a label mean http://unity08.com/node/477 <p>Conservative, liberal, moderate? Where does each one of us fit?</p> <p>I have called myself conservative, I guess because I kinda associated with the Republicans but not too much but I do agree with the Democrats on some issues so now am I a liberal-conservative? How about moderate, that seemed safe but what is a moderate? Oh hell, now I see myself as a liberal-conservative-moderate..... this thing is getting out of control.</p> Issues for Discussion Sat, 28 Oct 2025 06:04:41 -0700 Careful disassembly of the Federal Government http://unity08.com/node/472 <p>The federal Government has become so huge that it is unmanageable, too costly and is unresponsive to the challenges that face us each day. I see a real need to shrink it to a manageable level by the following actions knowing that this list is only a start and much more needs to be done. </p> <p>1. Taxes, repeal the 17th amendment. Let the states get back the power they once had. I am sure that some system could be devised to address the problems with the old system but the 17 amendment caused more problems than it solved. mainly taking the states (who created the federal government and can dissolve or change it) out of the political process in Washington.</p> Issues for Discussion Fri, 27 Oct 2025 06:46:41 -0700 Draft Proposal for Transitional Rules http://unity08.com/node/471 <p>The following is a draft proposal I have made for a system of rules for us to follow until the Rules committee can come up with a better version. I am asking for proposed changes, and within two weeks, I will post the final version for a two-thirds plus one vote (for adoption). Please tell what you think: (Pardon the spelling)</p> <p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p> <p>We, citizens of the United States of America, hereby form the Unity08 Party. We form this, so to allow the people of this great country a moderate choice for the high offices of this land; as well as to educate the people on the political process. We provide the following as our provisional rules until the Rules Committee makes a set of other rules, in the poll section, subject to our 2/3 approval.</p> Issues for Discussion Thu, 26 Oct 2025 19:02:21 -0700 An Invitation to the Politically Curious - Beyond 'Red' and 'Blue' http://unity08.com/node/461 <p>A New Web App Lets The Politically Curious Connect To The 'Other Side'<br /> Oct 12, 2025 --- San Francisco </p> <p>Countless polls confirm that most Americans don't hold to a strict party line when it comes to their political opinions. Nonetheless, in the bi-annual slug-fest known as elections, the middle-grounders are marginalized and the non-dogmatic drowned out.</p> <p>But this year, it could be different: RedBlue is an online social experiment that connects people to their political counterparts, helping them engage in meaningful, and fun, dialogue across political boundaries. We are signing up beta testers now, at <a href="http://www.red-blue.us">http://www.red-blue.us</a></p> Issues for Discussion Thu, 19 Oct 2025 11:35:25 -0700 Urgent Help For A Unity Candidate Needed. Act by Oct 20 or never. http://unity08.com/node/460 <p>Harry Welty is a Congressional Candidate running to represent Duluth, Minnesota. He's also affiliated himself with Unity08 and the Unity Movement... and it's <em>hurting</em> him. He could have affiliated with Minnesota's Independence Party (which has existed longer than Unity08 <em>and</em> had a 5% or better turnout two years ago) and if he had he'd be allowed into a televised debate on the local Duluth PBS station. But he didn't. He went to bat <em>for us</em>. And now, I personally feel that we need to go to bat for him.</p> Issues for Discussion Wed, 18 Oct 2025 19:18:38 -0700 What I want in a leader http://unity08.com/node/457 <p>I want a leader with ethics and character, someone who will be honest and straightforword with Americans, not someone who publicly signs legislation and then issues a signing statement outlining what he agrees with and will enforce, and what he disagrees with and will disregard. I want someone who understands that the men and women we send to Washington on our behalf work for us, not their political party or the lobbyists.</p> Issues for Discussion Mon, 16 Oct 2025 09:32:39 -0700 the Foley "scandal" http://unity08.com/node/453 <p>Noone can justify the actions of Mark Foley nor the lame efforts by the GOP leadership to correct the problem. At the same time, however, we must not be blind to the hypocrisy of the Democrats in their sudden concern for the welfare of pages. Where was the party when Gerry Studds actually had sex with a page? Why did Democrat leaders vote to revoke the Boy Scouts' charter when the organization sought to ban gay scoutmasters?</p> Issues for Discussion Tue, 10 Oct 2025 14:32:18 -0700 Whar do we want from Unity08 founders http://unity08.com/node/446 <p>How about a set of jumper cables to get this dead site going? I see numerous posts requesting members be involved in the decision making, requesting leadership, polls, etc or just plain having some evidence that the founders are even reading our posts, much less responding. Not a pretty picture for someone who is visiting this site and thinking about joining. I just voted at <a href="http://unity08.com/node/435">http://unity08.com/node/435</a> but judging by past attempts it is properly useless but I keep trying(for now).</p> Issues for Discussion Sat, 07 Oct 2025 05:05:18 -0700