What should Unity08’s “tagline” be? Help us choose the phrase that best expresses what we’re about

Politics with a Purpose
A Third Force in the Middle
It's Our Turn to Pick the President
Taking Our Country Back
Other (suggest your own in the comments)

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I suggest you try something different that is catchier: "None of the Above"

Haven't we all wanted, a "none of the above" option as we cry out for integrity and someone who cares more about the future of our country than their own political future.

Sick of partisan polarization? Vote a Centrist candiate in '08.


The real choice for our American voice.

Politics with a Purpose -- Too vague. All politics has a purpose, and ours is to refocus the debate onto Americans' real concerns.

A Third Force in the Middle -- Good sentiment, but confusing. Are we a third party? Or are we trying to synthesize the best parts of both parties into a substantive, compelling agenda?

It's Our Turn to Pick the President -- Not bad, but it rings a little juvenile. I can picture my nephews shouting this.

Taking Our Country Back -- Also the right message, but a bit overused. I suspect Howard Dean's presidential campaign has co-opted this tagline for the next decade or so.

What makes Unity08 unique is that it seeks to weave the best practical aspects of the Republicans and Democrats into a coherent agenda. It will resonate with voters longing for common sense answers that eschew politics and speak to their true concerns. It would be great to find a tagline that reflects how effective this strategy of cohesion can be.

How about "Stronger Together"? Or something along those lines.

How about "Power to the Purple!" :-)

Purple as in Revelation 17? Naw: the chapter explains why seeking power (specifically, uniting religion and politics) doesn't work well. Purple as in return to monarchy? Naw, that's why we left Europe and founded this continent, though many a monarchy today is just wonderful. Certainly not power to purple rage, we have that in politics already. Unity08 is about turning apoplexy into appropriate consensus. Since we humans disagree on so much (freedom!) then obviously one of the central tagline goals of Unity08 would be to very much RESTRICT what government rules on, to begin with. Big people, little government: that's what our founding fathers meant to establish. Let's go unite back at those roots? Purple or any other color!

Something like "Together, we can do more than as individuals apart."

how 'bout:


Common sense politics for the common good.

good suggestion. now all we need to do is define our terms. what is "common sense" and what is the "common good". everyone THINKS they are doing good, and everyone who votes for the oppressor THINKS that what they stand for is "good". so i think "goodness" is a matter that needs to be debated, first and foremost.

in my humble opinion, in a free and equal society, the only "common sense", meaning what is common to ALL people, is our self-evident right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. none of that is necessary to forfeit in the name of "national security", or the "war on terror", and we should not feel timid in repealing unjust legislation that does not coincide with equal liberty.

we need to strive for moderation in politics, but moderation has nothing to do with unjust "prohibitions" of mind and body, and this country is one of the worst when it comes to making our principles coincide with how we practice it. instead of prohibiting people from practicing their beliefs in public, thereby prohibiting the free practice of religion, we should create a society of all inclusiveness, where everyone from the christian to the pothead to the homosexual, and even pothead-homosexual-christians, can be accepted in public.

thats what is meant by "free religion" as outlined in the 1st amendment of our constitution, and the further we go trying to force legislation on things like the ten commandments or medicinal marijuana, the more time and money we are wasting that should be spent on real issues like our debt and deficit, foreign policy and national defense, health care and education.

great suggestion nobles.

live and let live!

"Where America comes together" ; it counters the us/them false dichotomy and creates a positive image.

"Vote For The Republic Of The United States"

How about using Hamilton Jordan's words... "A jolt of reality."

We need something that assures folks we are not some tiny fringe group, that there are enough of us centrists to make a real difference. My suggestion: "The Majority in the Middle"

Supporting What Works!!

Politics with a Purpose--Terrible! All politics has the same purpose: to do whatever it takes to grasp and keep control of the offices of government. Politics as a profession is inherently evil. Think about it.

A Third Force in the Middle--Misleading, and not helpful. Sounds like yet another political party.

It's Our Turn to Pick the President--Not too bad, but sounds juvenile.

Taking Our Country Back--Not helpful. The classic slogan of the "outs".

Of the previous suggestions, I rather like
"None of the Above"
"Vote for the Republic of the United States."

Please, nothing with "Middle", "Center", or "Politics"

Here are some more:





TAKE POLITICS OUT OF GOVERNMENT (Whoops, I just violated my own dictum above).

POLITICS SUCK! (There, I did it again; time to quit).

Endowment To Our Future!!!

Many outspoken voices in the current polarized system describe centrist, middle, or moderate positions as something you move to temporaily to gain votes. This ignores the voting block who have supported moderate positions for decades. Is Unity08 a new movement or a new name for an old movement?

I believe that the tag line should acknowledge a moderate heritage.

How about:

unity08 - "Uniting Traditional Moderate Values"

I like the word uniting in the tagline, but the word values opens up too much debate and some of the things that divide us over "values" probably don't belong in the debate anyway.

How about:
"Uniting For Common Purpose"

Some define "moderate" as not taking a strong position on anything. I beg to differ and I'm not hesitant to uphold my "values" against extreme left or right positions.

For Unity08 to succeed there needs to be a debate and a strong definition about the values that this organization represents. Otherwise its just another wishy-washy, ill defined, feel good, wannabe organization.

Whatever "values" mean in a polity, they must be AGREED upon. Else the polity,however moral, self-destructs. Granted, if the polity's agreed-upon values are horrific (i.e., Germany during WWII), then the polity self-destructs. But notice how absent agreement, all the high grounds on the planet stay distant. First, the procedure: we must CHOOSE to work together. Then we'll find out what our values come to be. As it is, we the electorate have ceded to the demagogues all manner of extremism, because we the electorate have become apathetic. So let's first choose to work together, and see what results. Honestly, I don't think Unity08 should commit itself to any other standard, especially since all politics by nature requires compromise.

If this is going to work it has to take another tack and stop trying to impose or even imply that "WE" have some sort of "Moral high ground" to defend.
We need to stop defending anything that even sounds like a "Moral or Value" when it comes to the "Business" of running a country. That is what a President should be...a businessman (or woman)and have nothing to do with personal values unless they are related to business ethics.
The problem with trying to connect the two are that you alienate the few that don't hold the same "moral ground" you are trying to defend.
I think a sound business manager would sacrafice an issue like gay adoption, abortion or gun control if it meant keeping the business running smoothly. None of those issues have anything to do with getting this country back on track and out of the mess we are presently in with regards to our deficit or our loss of manufacturing jobs.
What I find amusing is how we keep talking about how our unemployment rates have gone down but the fact that after someone runs out of benefits they drop off of the rolls of the unemployed and are forgotten. We need to stop bickering about meaningless issues that are just avoiding the real problem.
This new party should not be looking at the same old group of problem causers that have been corrupted in Washington...lets get someone like Ross Perot or a like minded businessman into the job of "administrator"

(apologies to Lennon-McCartney)

How about: Government of the people, by the people, and for the people, not of the party, by the lobbyist, and for the special interests.

I voted for" taking our country back" because it is presently "owned" by the special interests. The lynch pin to ALL the problems discussed here is money in politics. Look at the facts: since "campaign reform" began in the 1970's: the number of PAC's has increased dramatically; the amount of time our legislators spend in session has decreased, while the time spent raising money for re-election has increased; the amount of money spent on campaigns has increased dramatically; the number of bills introduced that have been written by the special interests has increased; and the number of negative campaign ads on TV have increased. The list could go on, but the picture is clear: we have the best government money can buy! I think the majority of Americans, who do NOT vote, realize who owns America, and therefore realize voting will not make any difference.
In my opinion, the only way to take back our country from the monied interests is to eliminatae the need for money to get elected. As long as it takes money to win, ways will be found to get the money; loopholes will always be found! Money is the issue, taking back our country is goal.

Gordon Lloyd was my professor at Redlands, and he opened up mine and many other eyes to what "America" means. America is an IDEA: idea of freedom, of rule of law above tribal/family interests, of individual responsibility of managing one's sacred freedom. It was a NEW idea, built upon SPQR, surely: but a new idea, just the same. So since then, I've learned that the money follows the idea, not vice versa. So eliminating money from politics is like eliminating breath from soul: can't do it. Better to come up with better ideas, so the money will be better used. Isn't that what Unity08 is about?

Unity 08 is about coming together to make America better. America has been bought by money. The "idea" money is following is how to use government to make more money. What piece of legislation has addressed the needs of the people over the needs of the special interests........name one. Even the politicians who are taking the money admit it has gotten out of hand. Give me any example of a better idea that the money will follow.

In history, certain grand ideas inspire people to rise above money issues. That is what we need here. Sure, the devil is in the details. But if you want a current example, I'd pick the "idea" of us going into Iraq to help free those people. America bought that idea, then got into wrangles over whether we were hoodwinked. Freedom isn't cheap, but it inspires. We forget that freedom isn't cheap. So we get mad when we can't buy instant freedom for the Iraqis and get outta there. So we are, as a people, forgetting our roots. But we are still inspired by them: America is an IDEA of freedom. So we bought it and went to Iraq, for example.

"Keeping the Dream Alive", or

"America's New Revolution"

Eric T.M. (Colorado Springs, Colorado)

How about A New Revolution for America?
Problem with revolution words is that they alienate some folks who consider themselves moderates. Thoughts?

If this is going to work it has to take another tack and stop trying to impose or even imply that "WE" have some sort of "Moral high ground" to defend. We need to stop defending anything that even sounds like a "Moral or Value" when it comes to the "Business" of running a country. That is what a President should be...a businessman (or woman)and have nothing to do with personal values unless they are related to business ethics. This makes picking from the two existing Party's for our candidates seem like a really bad idea...there are no good qualified business people left to pick from inside the beltway.
The problem with trying to connect the two (business and morals) are that you alienate the few that don't hold the same "moral ground" you are trying to defend. Leave fixing the "Morals" of the nation to the Churches...not the Government.
I think a sound business manager would sacrafice an issue like same sex marriage(or adoption), abortion or gun control if it meant keeping the business running smoothly. None of those issues have anything to do with getting this country back on track and out of the mess we are presently in with regards to our deficit or our loss of manufacturing jobs. The government fills us with phony facts like: how our unemployment rates have gone down but the fact that after someone runs out of benefits they drop off of the rolls of the unemployed and are forgotten...or...that most of our countries deficit is financed by China and all they have to do is cash in that debt to ruin us.
We need to stop bickering about meaningless issues that are just avoiding the real problem of this poorly run business we call our country. We can't file for bankruptsy like the regular business community can or we would have done that long ago.
This new party should not be looking at the same old group of problem causers that have been corrupted in Washington...lets get someone like Ross Perot or a like minded businessman into the job of "administrator". NOT just some politician thats "owned" by business ("K street").
The reason that Clinton was so successful at balancing the budget was his experience as governor of AR...they have a constitution that requires them to have a balanced budget. The Pentagon would stop functioning if our federal government had such an amendment...maybe thats not such a bad idea.

Bud: I liked your article. You may have been kidding about us going bankrupt if you were just ignore what I am about to say, In my humble little opinion we will go bankrupt or the government will have to some day raise taxes. Government have gone bankrupt before. And it would be interesting if China were to try and cash in those IOU's. I guess we would have to go borrow a bunch more bread or raise taxes right away. Any way you go our so called leaders have got us in one heck of a mess.

A Schooner Independent

Democracy not Demagogy

Both parties feel they have to resort to demogogy to be heard by us, the fat and sassy electorate. So part of the solution is for us to be more INVOLVED, so they don't have to talk to us like peasants?

We are not trying to form a third party. Experience has shown that moderates from both parties are able to talk to each other and work together to get things done. Even the basic idea that we would like to support a ticket containing one member from each of the two major parties suggests that these two people will have to be from the moderate wings of their parties, otherwise they wouldn't be able to shake hands.

"The Party ( I know we're not supposed to be a party!) of Reason." I believe the extremes of both the parties have established an atmosphere of intolerance. And the power of "party politics" draws the majority in each party to its extreme base. A power shift needs to take place to move power from the extremes, to the middle, to "The Voices of Reason."

Mezzeta, your stuff made me LoL!!! :-)

Forgive me while I have a little fun below. I'm just back from vacation, so I'm feeling a bit frisky.

"Endowment To Our Future!!!" - Uh... is Dolly running?

"America's New Revolution" - As the Taco Bell dog would say: "I am DERE!"

"Supporting What Works!!" - Again, is Dolly?...

"It's Our Turn to Pick the President" - (But you can't pick the President's.... well - you know).

"Power to the Purple!" - Oh, boy - is Falwell going to have a field day with THAT one!


Okay - I deserve every single flame I get!!

Just having a little fun with y'all... Please take it in that spirit.

A real riot Erik! On the "Dolly" one's I suggested (Endowment..., What Works...) don't let Bill Clinton find out or we area all in trouble! Or we could just maybe add "The Future or Bust" and have the spot ads all shot at Dollywood with the "9 to 5" theme song running in the backgroud or something. I can see it now!

What we are talking about at Unity is a "New Way" or "New Approach." Why not call it what it is?

United We Stand.

It's OUR preamble...might as well put it to use somewhere other than Schoolhouse Rock!

Remember the KISS principle - Keep it Simple, Stupid! In this case, it should also stand for Keep it SHORT, Stupid! We want people to remember the slogan, and to understand instantly what it means. In my opinion, anything longer than 3 or 4 operative words is way too long, and probably too complicated.

SO what is your suggestion?

I agree with redlands56, I too voted for taking our country back. He or she said it better than I can.So I will cease this dialogue.

A Schooner Independent

"Unity 08 - Moderates for America" - I even wrote it down on a napkin but it does have a nice ring I think!

To me, Unity 08 is a RETURN to our founding idea that there should be a two-party system which WORKS TOGETHER, not against each other; I got this idea from reading Thomas A. Bailey's books on America's origins, plus reading Federalist Papers and similar contemporary material. So flash-forward to 2024: given the silly nature of legislation, it's better to have gridlock where NOTHING gets passed -- unless we can remember to go back to our roots. The roots were, two parties so we can make more objective legislation. Hence I'd propose the following tagline:

"Unity08: Reuniting our two-party ROOTS", since that's essentially the proposition here. I don't know that we should have another agenda than unity. We don't know how we'll work out the solutions, we DO know that we WANT to work together. Isn't that platform enough?

What country's history book are you reading from? The current two-party system is so much more honest and open than the one adopted by the Founding Fathers. Back then, candidates had to publicly pretend to not want to win an office while simultaneously backstabbing each other. Why Jefferson paid yellow journalists to commit what we now call slander and defamation. His efforts were no less scurilous than the Swift boat veterans attacks on Kerry.

How about this tagline: Unity08: Somebody Gets to Be President, The Other Guy Doesn't

Backstabbing is everywhere: turn on the TV any day. We love to put down other people. It was worse back then, but the "roots" I had in mind were the IDEALS. We may be more honest and open today, but we have truly lost the IDEALS. A lot of our openness is there only because back in 1776, people couldn't KNOW what was going on. But they believed in the IDEALS then more than we do today.

We lost the IDEAL of CONSENSUS, the most. Why? Oh, it's too much fun to beat up the other party! Ego is too involved! A urinating contest, now. That problem is human, but it's worse now then back then, because we don't believe in consensus like we used to.

You are clearly on to something here. Perhaps you can work on the Return to the Roots theme a bit more, so that it comes together more smoothly for a positioning line.

Thanks for your good thinking.

Anya Harris, U08's Chief Operating Officer

Anya Harris, your "Bridging the Political Divide" and the others who said that is far better than what I came up with. I've been thinking of that slogan all day. Sums up exactly what Unity08 is about, imo. So my roots-thingy isn't worth thinking over anymore. Thanks for your interest!

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