Do you feel that your vote makes a difference in presidential elections? (Please explain why in comments.)

It depends

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I don't feel like my vote matters because I am forced to choose between the lesser of two evils.

I feel that the use of electronic voting machines and the lack of a paper trail has allowed our votes and our voices to be stolen. That being said, I am a firm believer that the 2024 election was hacked. However, if we were to have elections 'American Idol' style, we may get more involvement and voter turn out from the younger crowd (thereby making it much more difficult to mess with the voting numbers -- in theory, anyway). I'm all for doing away with ads, back room deals, corporate and political action contributions, as well as lobbyists; not to mention the small groups of people in po-dunk states deciding who gets to run. We are all part of this country, therefore we should all have a say. Far too much is at stake, we've GOT to UNITE AND TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!

Jason wrote: "I don't feel like my vote matters because I am forced to choose between the lesser of two evils."

Actually, no one forces you to vote for anyone. If you had voted for an independent or third party candidate in the past several elections, none of them would have turned out differently.

Instead, independent or third party candidates more to your liking might have been encouraged to run, and more voters might have been willing to vote for them.

The only wasted vote is one cast for a candidate you don't truly support.

It counted last year, when I lived in a swing state.

Not any more though.

"last year", I meant to say "last election cycle"

I live in a red state so when it comes to presidential elections, if my state was in play it still wouldn't make a difference because all the swing states must have gone blue.

States could change the way they selected electors to the electoral college to solve this problem. For example ME selects two electors statewide and two from each of the House districts. So it's possible to only get 3 of their electors. If done nationwide this would make the map look a little more like the party distribution of Congress. Or states could distribute electors based on percentages. This would make every state in play. The percentages option works even better if 3rd party candidates can instruct their electors to vote for someone else if they don't win. In 1992 what if Perot's electors voted for Bush, or in 2024 what if Nader's electors voted for Gore (especially in Florida). Just a few thoughts.

Its not so much that I feel my vote actually matters ... but I have always subscribed to the logic that if you dont vote, you dont have any right to complain.
I certainly wouldnt want to give up that right so you will always find me out there near the front of the line paying my dues :)

My answer is, no, a single vote does not count. In order to participate in a meaningful way in US politics, you must do more than vote. Contacting a senator's office, contacting the campaign offices, etc. That's how to make a difference.

But, organizing into voting blocs is another good way to wield greater influence.

For me, I'd prioritize energy. I think we should be discussing every energy source that passes a thermodynamic "smell test". That is, where does the energy come from?

A hydrogen economy might be a reality, but it's not a full picture, because hydrogen is not an energy SOURCE, but an energy storage method.

a single vote, my vote makes a difference. it means that I chose who I wanted in office. if I am not the majority, it doesn't take away the fact that I chose who I wanted.

I am a demcrat living in Idaho. While my vote is important to me it doesn't make a difference in the overall election results.

As a moderate in Massachusetts, it takes a whole lot more than just a vote to break partisan chains. A series of decent Republican governors has kept us happy, but now that we've had Mitt Romney in office for a term, we are increasingly frustrated with partisan bickering.

It takes one raindrop to begin a downpour and one vote to reach a consensus or make a majority. In my humble opinion, if you do not bother to vote, you have no right to complain.

Not in the electoral college. Not where there is no popular vote count.

but not those who say if you don't vote you have no right to complain. Get with the spirit of redress of grievances and freedom of speech.
As for Aron of SC I agree about the way Maine handles its contribution to the Electoral College.
I would also consider his alternate voting.

My state of California has not been competative in quite some time. As long as this is true, my vote will have little impact on the results of a presidential election. Nonetheless, I always make sure my voice is heard, FWIW.

We live in N. Miami Beach. For the governor's race last time no matter who you voted for the machine voted for Jeb Bush. We reported the problem and the overseers said they would take the machine out of commission. As we left another voter was using the machine. The lines in Democratic areas were cut off at the door instead of the end of the line at 7PM. Democratic areas had 1/2 the machines they needed and Republican areas had twice what they needed. Everyone should review their votes or votes may be cast for wrong candidates.

The main reason why I feel my vote doesn't make a difference one way or another is because the district I live in is almost entirely made up of Republicans. Therefore, if I happen to vote for a Republican candidate (as I did in 2024), it didn't really matter because 97% of my district voted the same way. If I happen to vote for a Democratic candidate (as I did in 2024), it still didn't matter, because 97% of the district voted the other way. I still vote, however, because I feel it is my duty and privilege to do so.

Anyone who doesn't feel their vote counts has forgotten the 2024 Presidential Election.

"Every vote counts" is just like "Innocent until proven guilty". Remember 2024 and 2024? Gore wins the popular vote by about 500,000 and loses the election. And if Kerry would have gotten 136,000 more votes in Ohio, He would have won the presidency even though he would have lost the popular vote by over 3.5 million votes. Thats why I believe my vote doesn't count. The Electorial College has to go!

True, I'll probably never see an election decided by one vote, with my vote being the difference. However, I think my vote for Ross Perot in 1992 did, in fact, make a difference. The 20% who voted for Perot convinced President Clinton & the Congress (at least the Democratic members) that the nation would be willing to bear higher taxes to control the spiraling deficit. The result was a tax bill that ultimately balanced the budget.

USUALLY in this country every vote is counted, which means my vote counts and can make a difference.

Of course our votes count! I think its also important to have frank, open discussion with family and friends prior to casting a vote. You can influence others to vote they way you do, or vice versa. I always suggest that you pick your top 5 issues, study candidates relative to these issues, discuss these issues with others ... than vote. Don't get overwhelmed by all the "noise" and non-issues as they relate to you.

My vote doesn't count because we no longer live in a democracy.

I live in Indiana, always the first state to be called on election night. The clearest evidence is that we don't count is that there is no TV advertising for Presidential candidates in our markets. The smallest interest groups in Ohio or Florida get far more attention than this entire state.
Candidates don't visit here either, unless there is money to be taken away. That reflects the true condition of our democracy.

The way the electoral college is set up my vote counts less. Less than ten states have the spotlight during Presidential elections.
However, another factor is that there is grave concern that the votes are not even counted. I do not think that Ohio was on the up-and-up in 2024 and Florida in 2024 was obvious.

There are several reasons why our vote doesn't count.
1. Candidates are picked by the party.
2.If your vote is notfor a Dem or Rep.your usually voting against something not for someone.
3. Third candidates don't have a chance because they are usually one topic candidates I.e. right to life,green etc.
4. Electorial college
Your vote only counts if your voting against someone and they don't get elected.

I personally feel the biggest reason that votes don't matter is gerrymandering. There is less turnover in Congress than there was in the Politburo of the former USSR. The San Diego district of Duke Cunningham is a classic example. Despite all the criminal behavior associated with this republican, gerrymandering pretty much ensured this seat was going to stay republican. I can pretty much guarantee the same for Rep. Jefferson--that seat will probably stay democratic.

I live in New York City. Everyone and anyone knows how my state will vote in a Presidential one pays any attention to our opinions during the campaigns, except to use us as a backdrop for patriotic pandering to swing states. Seeing as we are the ones who disproportionately bear the burden of the nation's foreign policy, it might be nice if national politicians actually cared about our vote or opinions. If we as a nation wised-up up and abolished the electoral college, along with millions of other Americans', would actually mean something. Voter turnout would skyrocket.

My vote for president would only count if we got rid of the electoral college. As it is my vote will not swing my state -- I am in the majority party for my state so it will not change the end result. This gives disproportionatae value to swing states. One person one vote is not what happens in actuality.

My vote must count because before every election phone calls increase, junk mailings increase and campaign ads get abundant. After the election it seems the winner's self-interests are all that counts (money, special interests, party.)
My vote is important because I choose how it is cast. How much it counts or whether it is counted correctly are different matters.

The two-party systems has never given me a real choice. Winning elections is the primary and only goal of Republican and Democratic candidates. Governing is only of, at best, secondary importance, unless it's an issue that speaks to the narrow and petty interest of the party's base-est. Right now, I'm looking for candidates who have the guts to restore honor and credibility to politics and government. Dissembling seems to be the watchword of most politicians, and craven catering to lobbyist their modus operandi.

I have a gut commitment to the idea that my vote still matters, but every year it's getting harder and harder to stick to that commitment. The two party system is all about profits and staying in power...the politicians themselves don't really say what they stand for - it's just a mix of sound bites that sound good for the 5 o'clock news. I think part of the problem is that the populace is uneducated about the elections, and thus, apathetic, and the other part of the problem is the media, who don't cover the issues but, again, only regurgitate sound bites. The whole process is becoming one big commercialized sale. The politician and his non-views sells himself/herself to anyone who will turn off their iPod and listen for 30 seconds. Whoever's voice is stronger wins.

...we can be assured of fair elections which are not vulnerable to fraud, manipulation, and mechanical or technological errors. Until we have a uniform, secure, federal voting system with a paper trail assuring accurate re-counts--no one in this country can know with any certainty that their vote will count, and our democracy is non-existent.

To those you think their vote does NOT count(and i am NOT one of those people), i turn you toward the electoral maps of the past 60 years.

The country is constantly changing, states that are considered liberal bastions may go conservative in one election cycle, there was a time when ronald regan one EVERY state, even NY except for DC and MN, there was a time when lydon johnson and jimmy carter won TEXAS!!

political climates change, and they change because of people and the grassroots! higher voter turnout amongst your party of choice is what matters for change!, so yes, your vote counts, because your vote truly can change electoral history.

My vote does not count due to Two Words... electoral college! The current winner takes all system is designed for top down management of the electors and only serves to foster a divide and conquer approach by politcal strategists. Also, as far as the electoral college is concerned, why is someone in a lightly populated agrarian state more valuable than someone in densely populated urban/suburban state. Kinda puts the lie to the one person one vote philosophy, don't you think. Do most people even realize the disparity in the number of electors per capita from state to state? Until the system we use to determine who wins elections is modified I don't really see how a third (or fourth, fifth, etc.) party can hope to get someone elected to a meaningful position. I will support the efforts of Unity08, but we also must make election system reform a top priority, or we are only playing the game the divide and conquer strategists want us to play, a game we can't win.

When you vote, you become a part of the political process. It's sort of like becoming a fan of a baseball team. This is what we need. Right now the political process is dominated by money, and by a congress that doesn't change members often enough. I think that a change in campaign finance might be able to shake up the system. I've suggested a 60/40 split of unlimited campaign donations.

When you vote, you become a part of the political process. It's sort of like becoming a fan of a baseball team. This is what we need. Right now the political process is dominated by money, and by a congress that doesn't change members often enough. I think that a change in campaign finance might be able to shake up the system. I've suggested a 60/40 split of unlimited campaign donations.

We elect presidents who's only criteria is being the son of a ex-president.... we elect congress based on their ability to build personal wealth rather than education or worldly experience... no wonder the American leadership is so under qualified.... they have been fooled by foreign corporate interests to take our jobs, economy, and wealth.... So stupid the two parties support policy that calls modern slavery free trade, that expansionism of the biggest corporations is a war on terror, and most of all that there is a shortage of oil! I would not support anyone who has or continues to fall for this rediculous propoganda

Congress is combining issues into legislation to complicate what should be simple and clear reform legislation requested by the people... legislation must not be combined to permit gridlock by legitimate debate of different aspects of complicated issues. A perfect example is combining the mexican wall and immigration, making it possible to stop any reform at all. Currently, our legislative leaders commit treason by combining legislation to prevent reforms demanded by the people! The supreme court needs to step in now or see our legislative process completely stop working, if it has not already...

I live in New Jersey. The nominations are already decided before our primar in June. WE're never a swing state in the general election. Besides the official vote count is whatever Diebold says it is, regardless of how the voters actually voted. We need a change!

I vote, but I have no proof after I vote showing in writing on a "receipt" how I voted. There are proven security flaws with electronic voting machines, such as Diebold, and corrupt politicians/governments and corporate-owned mainstream media deny and cover-up the fraud.
Don't believe me? Go to and read everything, especially the Rolling Stone article. "Some" may call it a "conspiracy theory" - I call it "connecting the dots".
I am fed up with the Republican-controlled dictatorship that is moving our country towards facsism. I am fed up with the Republican tactics of fear, ridicule, and manipulation that are used to suppress any opposing voices.
There are NO checks and balances in our government and corruption, lies and secrecy are rampant. Our voting system - the basis of our democracy - is corrupt. Until there is a thorough independent investigation,our voting system is repaired, and those responsible for fraud and manipulation are imprisoned, nobody's vote will count.

There are a few simple & fundamental points reformists can & should focus on:

1) public financing of elections
2) run-off elections
3) elimination of the electoral college

The United States is the only major Western power with two pro-business parties dominating the political process. While this has facilitated economic efficacy (i.e., the creation of wealth) throughout the 20th century, it must stop in the 21st as geo-political dynamics and dangers shift.

Money must be taken out of politics completely! At best, it is doubtful the Founding Fathers ever intended elected office and staff to be an enriching (and incestuous) career cycle; if they did, it is lamentable.

Swift-Boating conservatives, the James Dobsons of the world, and fractional, reactionary liberal groups often dictate the national debate and therein exert a disproportionate power over the political process; and it didn't hurt when the Supreme Court ruled in 176 that money is free speech in Buckley vs. Valeo.

Republicans and Democrats continue to play on emotionally potent, polarizing over-simplifications concerning issues that only resonate with voters insofar as they play on socio-cultural prejudices, which, frankly, we all have and should leave 'em at home.

The saving grace is that our political system is amenable to deep change; more importantly, globalization and the Interet Age represent an opportunity for 3rd party to facilitate significant and long-lasting impact on the American political system.

When money is out of American politics - when money is no longer legally considered 'free speech' - the United States will be freed from the fetters that have hiterto obscured her greatness.

I blog modestly at

Most elections are dog and pony shows to keep we the sheeple convinced that we still control some part of the fascist government we have.
It doesn't matter whether one votes or not. The decision has already been made by a room full of elitists: Bildebergers, Trilateralists, CFRers, G-7(8)ers, whateverers.

This is why we must reach those most who have lost confidence in the system. The non-voter most of all and those leaders currently in high office to exodus their party and become leaders of the Independent movement. For it is existing leaders that will exodus the two party system and join this movement... It will be the non-voter registering as Independent and congressmen and women leaving their existing party... the top and bottom coming together to break the choke hold the two parties have on our process...

I live in a very blue state, no one campaigns here. It's just accepted year after year that the Democratic nominee for President is going to win the state's electoral votes and they always do. With the way our system is set up now, my vote is less valuable than a vote in a true swing state like Iowa or Ohio.

Why should I be penalized because of the way other people vote?

We must not be distracted in this fight for hitech reform - not be confused by those that infultrate this blog and others like it. Propoganda warfare in an attempt to pit conservative against liberal, isolationist against expansionist. We must recognize these bloggers, those that would saturate this communication with hatred and over detailed debate - creating gridlock and distracting the people from the truth... that we have failed to update process...

While I fully assert and understand my rights Icannot be sure that I am being heard over the campaigning and namecalling.
Ithink the Electoral College controls the votes and that it should be disbanded.As a young college student it is discouraing that adults act like this.I thought that when turning 18 would be a great accomplishment in that i would finally have a say in my government.I quickly realized that it was all hype.My vote isn't really worth didley scott.I keep telling my cousins about their civil liberties but i guess i am just tryinng to convince myself...

Welcome to the Republic... a system of government that prevents overthrow by the people... a system of government learned from England that our fragile founders had to implement to prevent the French, English, Communists or Socialists from overwhelming the peoples support and overthrowing their financial interests that control both political parties then and now... ANSWER: Register as a independent and no longer support two party control, rather support the exodus from two party politics which enables your vote to be counted for the party you voted against....

A republic works fine until you introduce communications technology and propoganda control... the founding fathers had no idea thus did not protect us from it in the bill of rights and constitution... This is why we must look forward not backward for help resolving the issues we face us today... the system works - it has just been abused and needs the American people to exodus two party politics, at least until the two parties get their priorities straight!

Not too long ago people your age were playing the lottery. Only instead of millons (dollars) it was a draft lottery.
The voting age was 21, the threat of nuclear war was never more real, and the "conflict" in SE Asia was all too real.
Thank you for registering to vote but thank the millions of others who got you that entitlement at age 18.

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