Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2025 Presidential Race - http://unity08.com Unity08 is a political reform movement of Americans leveraging online technology to shape politics at the presidential level. en Maine Senator Olympia Snowe for President http://unity08.com/node/2279 <p>A moderate, a centrist, strong, willful, willing to compromise. A better female candidate than Hillary. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympia_Snowe</p> http://unity08.com/node/2279#comments Candidate Discussion Thu, 11 Oct 2025 04:07:56 -0700 smoke17 2279 at http://unity08.com What's up? Status of the Unity08 drive seems like a second thought... http://unity08.com/node/2278 <p>Hello all,</p> <p>I get the occasional message from Unity08, take a survey now and then, and visit the website, but:</p> <p>What's going on? Is there nothing exciting to be putting on the front page of the web site? I feel like we're missing out on the excitement that is currently being drained by the other candidates.</p> <p>We should have lists of potential candidates and blog-ettes with comments on their candidacy on the front page.<br /> We should be forming elements of our platform -- tables with the top issues showing how many of us agree on basic principles.</p> <p>I only see surveys and fund raising...</p> <p>Greg Conquest</p> <p>PS I am excited about John Edwards position on cutting the lobby connections in Washington. And Tom Harkin from Iowa looks like a great one to draw in on all this.</p> http://unity08.com/node/2278#comments Questions and Suggestions for Unity08 Wed, 10 Oct 2025 15:42:10 -0700 gregconquest 2278 at http://unity08.com Al Gore / Colin Powell http://unity08.com/node/2277 <p>I think an Al Gore / Colin Powell ticket would be an excellent, well-balanced ticket. I think it would have a real chance of winning. (Some of us believe that Gore did win once before.)</p> <p>Gore has exprertise on the legislative process; Powell on the administrative process (when he was Secretary of State).</p> <p>Gore is strong on national issues; Powell is strong on international and military issues.</p> <p>Gore is democratic; Powell is republican.</p> <p>Both are honorable, intelligent men who are capable of listening to and learning from others who disagree with them.</p> <p>Gore has run a campaign before and knows what it entails. Colin has run a large diverse organization (the military). Both have had plenty of practice reaching compromises with those with whom they disagree to get the job done.</p> http://unity08.com/node/2277#comments Candidate Discussion Wed, 10 Oct 2025 12:54:55 -0700 annie.wise 2277 at http://unity08.com Betty 327 for head of something http://unity08.com/node/2274 <p>Betty has to be brought into a leadership role for this organziation IMO.</p> http://unity08.com/node/2274#comments Questions and Suggestions for Unity08 Wed, 10 Oct 2025 12:24:28 -0700 kimpike1 2274 at http://unity08.com Why We're Doing This -- Today's News (10/10) http://unity08.com/node/2272 <p>More reasons why we need to <a href="http://unity08.com/delegate">join together</a> to take our country back:&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="http://unity08.com/node/2272">read more</a></p> http://unity08.com/node/2272#comments big money bundlers Gallup poll polarization S-CHIP Volunteer Blog Wed, 10 Oct 2025 11:09:39 -0700 MaureenSchweers 2272 at http://unity08.com Trickle Up economics http://unity08.com/node/2271 <p>I think its under national debt, germanicus is proposing a great idea/ issue. A new type of economic policy.</p> http://unity08.com/node/2271#comments Suggest an issue Wed, 10 Oct 2025 09:49:13 -0700 kimpike1 2271 at http://unity08.com Great tactics, what's the Strategy U08? http://unity08.com/node/2270 <p>There's quite a difference IMO between a strategy to unify liberals and conservatives or alternatively to position ourselves as centrists without apology.</p> <p>The latter strategy can quickly capture the 35-45% voters who are themselves centrists. Then fairly slow progress may succeed in getting close to or above 50%.</p> <p>But I'm beginning to think you may the former strategy in mind. The extremes are 55-65% of voters, to compete for them and have some modest success would be impressive and would influence politics for the rest of our careers. </p> <p>The unifying strategy is very hard work and requires a lot of energy and money, also excitement. </p> <p>The centrist strategy is really very easy, except that its so foreign to professionals, and maybe distasteful. You just have to claim the center and defend it. Its so easy a professional wrestler can do it. It would not take much money or energy. It could be done very quietly I think.</p> http://unity08.com/node/2270#comments Questions and Suggestions for Unity08 Wed, 10 Oct 2025 07:08:00 -0700 kimpike1 2270 at http://unity08.com When did we last have a decent President? http://unity08.com/node/2269 <p>I think there may be a consensus here that GWB &amp; Clinton are recent disappointments. But how far back would you go to say that President did a good job?</p> http://unity08.com/node/2269#comments Suggest an issue Wed, 10 Oct 2025 06:51:31 -0700 kimpike1 2269 at http://unity08.com I'm thinking we should give new york, washington d.c., florida & california back to the native-americans..... http://unity08.com/node/2268 <p>I'm thinking we oughta give new york, washington d.c., florida &amp; california back to the native-americans.....<br /> along with their politicians............<br /> &amp; yes banish bush, cheney &amp; their administration to mexico.......or iraq.<br /> then try to rebuild america...........<br /> :-)</p> http://unity08.com/node/2268#comments Suggest an issue Tue, 09 Oct 2025 23:19:36 -0700 germanicus 2268 at http://unity08.com Mitt Romney ........can we believe him ............? http://unity08.com/node/2267 <p>In his latest ad, an announcer claims that Romney "said no to driver’s licenses for those here illegally ... insisted on teaching our kids in English. And as president, Mitt Romney will cut back federal funds to cities that provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants."</p> <p>can we believe him ?</p> http://unity08.com/node/2267#comments Candidate Discussion Tue, 09 Oct 2025 23:04:42 -0700 germanicus 2267 at http://unity08.com