organizational questions for Unity08 - raised by Tampa Trib article, and Chris Matthews interview of Sam Waterston

posted by 62monzaman on February 7, 2024 - 7:19pm
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I posted the following as a response to the Tampa Tribune article. I am reposting it here since in my opinion these questions should be answered or debated by a representative from the Unity08 Founders to help keep people energized about this movement.

The only way Unity08 will have any true clout is if the existing parties/candidates see an early groundswell of quantifiable support coming from this organization. To be a factor on election day, we must be a cohesive force of change today.

For this to happen, the movement must stage a physical convention and/or meeting, and either nominate or confirm a ticket, or pledge support to existing candidates in return for some form of consideration. And the movement must decide what our true mission statement is: to either attempt to elect an alternative candidate to office, or to influence the selection process of the existing parties.
It is unrealistic to expect to do both.

In my opinion, Unity08 is bypassing one form of political clout - namely money - to instead focus on creating another form of clout by using the power of the internet. This new unique process would be able to mobilize a huge number of deliverable votes for a yet unamed candidate who would promise to "buy in" to the Unity08 mission statement, and would pledge to adhere to the principles of centerist politics.
The above is the very definition of an advocacy group - not a third party, and it is a goal that is both reachable and desirable.

Anything past that goal constitutes a movement toward a third party - and if that is the true mission of this movement, then it is bound to fail unless there is a cohesive political network in every state with the aim of electing candidates to office at the state and local level.
If there is ever going to be a valid third party in this country, it will be built from the bottom up... in my opinion, nothing, not even the internet, will change that fact.

We deplore the policy in vogue in both political parties to ignore the center and court the base - but the only realistic way to change the process is to create our own bigger and more powerful base - a bipartisian group of moderates with real political muscle.

If Unity08 is to be a success, then the movement must pare down our mission statement to something that is realistic and attainable; the idea of actually electing a hand-picked president and vice-president based upon the current poorly-defined organizational umbrella is a fantasy.

To be effective, even as an advocacy group, Unity08 must influence the presidential selection process by showing our collective strength sometime between today and the start of the two major party conventions. After that, it will be too late.

I applaud the idea of a centerist political movement; it is long overdue, but we need to move up the organizational timetable and more clearly define our goals if we hope to achieve measurable results.

We should be in contact with representatives from both parties, not only to declare our intentions, but also to identify where our potential support is in the congress and senate. We should not ask these people to break with their party, we should ask them to embrace the principals that we stand for as an overriding goal.
The moderates in both parties can embrace our values without defecting from their existing party, and they can show support for us as a way of standing up to be counted. They will only do that (and mean it)if our collective support can insulate them from losing their seat come election time.

Representatives from this movement must be engaged with the national press. As of today (February 7, 2024), there is a distinct lack of communication from the Unity08 Founders - even though the movement has received national attention on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews". Why is this so?

A group such as this can only move forward or backwards - standing still is a sure route to failure. Other than Mr. Waterston's interview, there is virtually nothing coming from anyone closely connected with this organization and that is a shame.

The presidential race is already starting - if this organization is meant to actually do anything, then there should be measureable activity from within the organization.
Those of us who care about changing the elective process in this country deserve an answer on these basic questions of organization.

Jeff C

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btbarry on February 8, 2024 - 2:29am

This is the first legitimate post that I have read out of probably 50 or so in my first "investigation" of this organization. In ONE day I have already realized that there is definitely a clear lack of leadership in this organization to address the questions of this community. I have read countless posts on all sorts of issues like border control, campaign finance reform, etc. Realistically though, all these discussions are worthless when you don't have leadership that is willing to stand up and fight to make this organization move forward. Who cares about the elections in '08 when we haven't even gotten out of the gates yet. The two major parties are dominating news coverage everyday, and all we can come up with is a three minute interview on "Hardball"? I am excited, like many others, about this new and unique political idea. Unfortunately, my confidence in this organization has quickly went downhill in just 6 hours of surfing through the endless pages of crap debates and merry go rounds. I signed up to be a "delegate" of this organization. I have even went as far as sending emails to everyone in my address book to promote this innovative idea. But I now write this post while questioning the validity and sincerity of the leaders of this organization. Where are you, who are you, when are you going to speak out? Seems like a big mystery to me.

I need to believe in this, as do many, many others. I can't count the discussions I have had with people ranging from 18-80 that are practically begging for a political revival in our government. However, your fundamental lack of responsiblity makes me reluctant to promote this idea to anyone with the slightest of inclination for political change. I have not the belief, nor the motivation in this organization to spend my time promoting it locally...much less give up my hard earned money. Here's my demand for change in you: Show me something that makes me want to fight for this idea, keep us informed, put yourself out there and I shall return the favor ten fold. Leaders don't just take their army to the battle field, they lead them into the fight. MAKE ME BELIEVE THIS IS WORTH MY TIME!!!

Anya Harris on February 8, 2024 - 12:01pm

Both of these posts struck me as rational and intelligent. This is the kind of discussion we need to foster. Clearly, our growing community has many questions about Unity08's goals, the involvement and visibility of our founders and our collective viability. These questions are good ones and should be answered. As such, we are embarking on a schedule of Live Chats with the founders and others associated with the movement. I believe this will be a good step, while only one, towards providing a way for our founders to interact with our community members regularly. We are also hoping to establish a small council of online members who can serve as liasions between our founder leaders and the American citizen Delegates. Stay tuned for more news on all of this. We need good folks like you both to help make a real difference in our politics now.

KrisW on February 8, 2024 - 2:10pm

Considering how FAST the posts are coming here in this shoutbox, I think "live chat" is rather superflueous.

Plus, my computer is an ancient Pentium 2 and with my my dail-up connection, it doesn't do "chat" well.

ssbufgal on February 8, 2024 - 3:45pm

Something about this whole thing sounds really fishy and corrupt.

No financial records available via this website.
Unwillingness by the "founders" to answer questions in a straight forward manner about anything.

KrisW on February 8, 2024 - 4:03pm

So does the Pelosi 'love-fest'.

reino on February 8, 2024 - 4:11pm

Why haven't you apologized for spreading lies and doubting truth?

KrisW on February 8, 2024 - 4:15pm

Eat my shorts, you obvious partisan.

You've made it clear you've not interesting in Fiscal responsibilty as it applies to DEMOCRATS, and your willing to sling as much mud as you can to have your own way.

Just like Nancy Pelosi.

BTW, I AM a registered Democrat.

ssbufgal on February 8, 2024 - 4:18pm

or take it back to the forum you already filled up with this arguement.

MFV an Independent on February 8, 2024 - 4:56pm

It appears to me the criticisms of u08 mentioned here may have some validity. The founders have been realatively quiet, and the blog seems to be rehashing the same old points over and over. With that being said those of you who want u08 to transform itself into a real third party are probably going to be disappointed according to my take on the issue. I think the founders only want to influence the two parties to move towards the center. They hope to accomplish this by influencing about 20 to 25% of the vote to support their bi-partisan ticket. This is the way I see it, and it is anything but my humble opinion. One voice among many.

A Mo South Independent

62monzaman on February 8, 2024 - 5:22pm

Thanks to anyone who responded to my post.

Anya Harris,

Are you a spokesperson for this organization? I ask because of the tone of your reply, and because I did not see your name listed on the Founder's Council page - which doesn't necessarily mean anything since Sam Waterston seemed to be speaking officially for this site and he isn't listed anywhere on the site (as far as I could tell)other than in reference to the Chris Matthews interview...

So Anya - if you are involved in some official capacity, please consider this:

All of the problems the site might be experiencing - financial, or other, can be solved, and solved quickly - if there is more effective communication between organization officials and the delegates (and other interested parties). Effective communication(and more organizational transparency)will lead to a huge surge in membership, and also to more financial donations once a real dialogue is established.

An advocacy group devoted to moderate centerist politics and issues is sorely needed to get our government back on track. More centerist participation can solve nearly all of the problems that we face in national government today - in both parties.

There are only two ways to influence the national political process:

Form a third party that will be able to elect representatives to office. This is so very difficult to accomplish; there is no real chance that a third party will organize, recruit support, and gain power in the space of one election cycle. The new technology available because of the internet can alter this dynamic, but any technology is only as good as the organization supporting it.
So when Unity08 states that one object of the organization is to elect a president, then I am skeptical, but still on board.

The other option is to gain influence with the existing parties - and that influence can only take two forms: raising money, or (even better) delivering a significant number of votes to a candidate who supports our goals.

Those are the only two options - either we form a third party and beat the Democrats and Republicans at their own game, or we form a moderate advocacy group that will have so much influence that it can't be ignored by the existing candidates.
We could try to do both - I don't know if it is possible to be two organizations at once, but I wouldn't forsake the movement if this happened.
The only thing that will make me leave is apathy from the organization itself... bfbarry said it perfectly - make me believe this is worth my time.


I agree there hasn't been much from this organization that we can cling to, but the underlying idea is sound. The principles are worth your time, even if this existing organization can't move the effort forward.


I think that a Live Chat format is going to keep many people from participating in the growth process of the organization. Like you, I only have dial-up internet at home. I have broadband at work.
But most of us would love to see ANY form of communication coming from site officials...

My feeling is that I will monitor this site for awhile to see if there is any real progress. If there is no substantive movement within the next month or so, then I will either form, or seek to join an organization that wishes to do something tangible.

All of us who are serious about making a difference need to keep the clock in mind - the election process is starting much earlier this time, and time is precious if we want to make a difference.

My name is Jeff Currie, and I can be contacted at

jburke6000 on February 8, 2024 - 6:48pm

It won't be possible to effect change in the existing two parties via financial incentive. A grass roots internet movement can't hope to generate the kind of funds that say, the Oil Industry , manipulates through the system to influence votes.
A third party would be the way to go, but in my state, PA, the corrupt local systems have used the state court system to shut out viable third party candidates. We have allowed Republicans and Democrats to institutionalize their parties.
At the local level, a candidate with the best of intentions can't get elected unless he follows the party rule. Sounds like the old Soviet Union, doesn't it?
Maybe we should take a lesson from the Polish Solidarity Union and start organizing mass work stoppages, sick outs, and demonstrations. If you hit business in the wallet, the politicians will get new directives to make change from their special interest bosses.
The last national election should have sent a message to the two parties. It apparently didn't. The Democrats are already dropping their promised agenda and don't appear to be really interested in any meaningful change. Why should they change? If they lose some votes, it doesn't really matter since they share power with the GOP anyway.
I strongly believe that organized, peaceful, Civil Disobedience is the only avenue that will work to ensure real change in Washington or in the individual states. We have been asleep for too long and our leaders have taken advantage. They think we won't do anything about it because we are too worried about paying our mortgage and credit debt.
If we really care about our future, our children's future, and the future of our nation, let's revive the spirit of the Founding Father's with this organization and dump some political and social "tea" into the Potomac.
The only thing evil people need to do evil is for good people to do nothing.

btbarry on February 8, 2024 - 8:27pm


I like your train of thought, but do you honestly believe that we can organize a massive amount of people to walk out of their jobs or sign up for some form of "civil disobedience" when we can't even get them to participate in anything different or out of the "mainstream" like Unity? Our society has been led to believe through years of failure that we cannot have a substantial impact on government. Everyone just says, "that won't change anything", before even giving it a chance or any effort. Everyone thinks that this is just the way it is and nothing can be done about it. I am sick of it! We all want to complain about everything that is wrong with our country, but when it boils down to it no one is willing to stand up and go against the grain. Everyone is so scared of being "different", citing that there's no way "that" can change anything.

Anya Harris-
Your affiliation with the organization is either bleeding out or falsely interpreted. Your reassurance is noted, but in one ear and out the other. I need out front representation from someone more than Sam Waterston. I want CEO's, I want Rules Committee representatives, I want the works. And I don't want it in some fake pleadge that "we plan on setting up this and that down the road"...I want it now. This organization's pledges have came with big words and have been broken with even greater silence and standstill. An idea is simply that...AN IDEA. A MOVEMENT is an idea with people to push that idea. We have the people, but no pushers. We have pledges and promises, but no follow through. Don't get me wrong, I want this to work just as much as the next guy. But I refuse to have the wool pulled over my eyes by a hippocritical organization that has wheels that turn about as fast as any other corrupt corporation.

Patience is a virtue, but this organization's lack of the latter are wearing my patience very thin.

jburke6000 on February 9, 2024 - 1:17am

I'm willing to lose my job. Small price to pay compared to what the Founding Fathers risked. I'm tired of the whining and lack of action as well. I vote, I write, I even went to a peace March with my Liberal friends, as much as it pained me to listen to them all day. I can't condone violent revolution, but I am willing to participate in any non-violent action to take back the gov't.
It will eventually get bad enough for ordinary people to take action. What I'm afraid of is that they will wait until they explode into some kind of radical violent action. It will only play into the hands of members of our gov't who think we need to be controlled. However, considering the arrogance of the people in power these days, they are bound to do something that will cause folks to snap. I would rather lose everything I have than see that happen.
Everybody is complaining about what is happening here and abroad, but they won't commit to even the smallest actions of protest. That's why I think this Unity 08 will fail, but I would like to do what I can to try and make it work. Right now, it's the only option I've seen getting National exposure, since the media won't report on moderate third party movements.
It would be great if future generations would look back at us in appreciation of our sacrifice to make their lives better.
As a fall back position, I am applying for jobs in New Zealand.

btbarry on February 9, 2024 - 12:01pm

I too would like to be able to walk off my job in demonstration, but unfortunately my line of work doesn't allow me to do that. I work in healthcare, if we leave the job - people die. My code of ethics not only binds me legally, but more important to me - morally.

There comes a point where talking just isn't what to do? I have my ideas, you have yours, and everyone else wants a piece of the pie too. The load of this challenge cannot be carried by just leaders, it must be backed unconditionally by a large faction. But in order to build a worthy gathering, you have to have leaders willing to put themselves out in the fore front that are honest, ethical, finacially unmotivated, etc., etc....that can attract the "followers" that need that extra push to get them on board. And now again, I find myself calling out the the leaders of this organization to stand up and defend their character to prove to us that they are true and honest. Whether or not they want to face the fact, there has been increasing evidence and questions regarding the motives of this organization.

This organization claims that they are tired of broken promises by crooked politicians, but it appears to me that they seem to be wiping their dirty feet at the same door every other politician walks through. Correct me if I am wrong "Founders", I would love to be chastised for my wrong impressions.

KrisW on February 9, 2024 - 1:12pm

Does this party have "brown shirts" already?

Maybe I should re-think my reponse to the person who accused Unity08 of being a "fascist" movement.

JSSSr on February 10, 2024 - 11:51am

What do you want the Founders to do at this early time besides give us this chance - we must initially confer/act/form.etc. together for an idea for a consensus; if we do this, then the Founders can and will act - we need millions of Delegates for a viable middle/moderate voice - we will not get millions of Delegates unless (i) we are positive as opposed to negative, (ii) forget Republican/Democrat and hot issues arguing,and (iii) we put aside each of our strong personal beliefs/solutions on hot issues and seek a moderate/middle position - who would want to be a Delegate or Candidate of U08 if we argue and go a hundred different directions instead of finding a consensus to accomplish our and the Founders' goals - United We Stand, Divided We Fall - I agree we must move rather fast.

Colorado Steve

btbarry on February 10, 2024 - 12:49pm

I agree with your 3 points totally. Here's the problem though - This website has been around for at least 6 months. I don't expect the Founders to answer every individual question raised. But with all the "questionable" activities going on with IRS filings and hipocritical calls for campaign finance reform. For example: Unity '08 has made statements that those candidates running for president this election should only accept personal donations of $250 or less. Yet Unity '08 has consistently taken donations of the maximum amount allowed per year, $5000. Even more important is the fact that their operating costs are more than their contributions. So basically what I see is an organization with their hands out begging for money, yet they refuse to explain all the confusion with their financing situation.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to come off negatively. I just don't get excited about handing money out to a brand new organization that consistently fails to be involved in their own "grassroots" discussions. As I said in an earlier post, prove me wrong. Having false positivity will lead you down a road of betrayal and lies. I choose to stand still for now until I see a reason to actually trust this organization. I do not want to end this idea...because honestly it is a wonderful and long overdue idea. I am "united" with this idea, but I do not intend to go blindly and empty my pocket book just for some unknown "Founders" grand political idea.

I refer you to this website for further reasoning...
and even better...
(I thought you might appreciate this Jim...I know your watching)

62monzaman on February 10, 2024 - 4:21pm


As you agreed, we must move rather fast. You are right; the election cycle is moving more quickly than ever. There was a time when candidates didn't even officially declare until shortly before the primary season. Now that would be impossible because everything in presidential politics is driven by the need to raise money....

Now they (the candidates)have no choice but to declare early. They have to start raising money sooner, and they need to assemble a staff before all the so-called "good" people are picked over. The only people who can afford to wait are people with a national following, and/or people who have the ability to self-finance a campaign - someone like Al Gore. Even he can only wait so long before putting an organization together in the primary states.

The timetable at Unity08 will have to reflect this speeded up election cycle. Unity08 must be visible during the entire process, or the movement will lose momentum - and eventually, lose delegates.

I said in another post that it would do no good for Sam Waterston to attract people to the movement if there wasn't an effective organization here to keep them energized and involved. In my opinion, it isn't enough to sign delegates up today, and then say "see you in 2024 when we pick a ticket"....

This is why I think the site needs to be more interactive. If I sound negative, it isn't because I don't believe in the principle of moderate-centerist politics, it's because I want to help bring real change to the current political system - and not just be a part of a symbolic gesture that has no real meaning or effect.

Jeff Currie

Anya Harris on February 10, 2024 - 5:19pm

I second this response, JSSSr. Unity08 was founded by good folks who were lobbyists, political consultants and served in public positions in government and beyond. And they left these positions decades ago because politics had simply gotten so negative they could neither stand nor support it any longer. And instead of writing a book to document the largely negative impact of television on politics, they decided to form Unity08. These inspiring founders have given us all the opportunity to embrace a third alternative to the two-party system, which we believe is badly broken and provides little to no power to everyday Americans and screens out good candidates from ever getting into the presidential race at all. The founder believe that the time has come to leverage the power of the internet, bringing together individuals across party and state lines to see if we can collectively join hands and force power back where it the folks who are in the political middle, where most of us are. I call us the politically homeless -- those of us for whom the parties today no longer speak. This movement is neither easy to operate, nor easy to finance and certainly wont succeed unless and until Americans citizens take a chance by coming together as delegates - without even needing to leave their parties to do so. If we can come together, in the millions (but watch what happens as the numbers become substantial before then), we can weild a political power that CAN elect a Unity Ticket and force discussion on the crucial issues. But please understand...this movement was formed by good folks, but needs to be embraced by the people. Only when that happens, and we know it can, we will succeed together. Although certainly far from a perfectly run operation (we are small and over-worked), we are trying our best to do what we set out to do. Our larger donors have, up until this point, out-paced everyday Americans in helping to raise the funds necessary to do our collective work. There is no conspiracy, we are not being bankrolled by any one individual and certainly no corporations. Sure we have legal counsel who may have lobbying expertise. What law firm in Washington, DC doesnt? Sure we have other folks who have been part of the political establishment. You have to have been in it to know what's wrong with it. I hope and hope, each and every day that Jim Cook's mounting criticisms can be turned into productive power for the movement. I certainly welcome that opportunity. Many of his questions related to a lack of understanding about our filings. And, honestly, I find it so tiring to have to worry about Jim Cook, rather than inspiring delegates and seeking ballot access and spreading the word of Unity08 far and wide. I hope I can count on you and others like you to help. Thank you.

Anya Harris on February 10, 2024 - 5:21pm

And let's keep the dialogue going...

Anya Harris on February 10, 2024 - 5:27pm

Thanks for your comments. Let me clarify my role, if I havent. I am the COO of to help operationalize the founders ideas. Now, we need your help, and the help of your friends, neighbors, relatives, colleagues too. Unless we can come together, we weild no power. So the plan...
1) Bring together MIllIONS of delegates. Only then will the press, the candidates and the parties take notice.
2) Host a forum for discussing the crucial issues facing our nation and pose smartly worded questions to ALL candidates to address candidly and directly (wouldnt that be a change).
3) Host the first-ever online national primary where you and those like-minded folks can nominate and vote in a series of ballots for a bipartisan Unity Ticket for President & Vice President.

This is our plan. Of course, there is much more to be done...
but this is the core plan. Understand clearly that without succeeding with #1, we cant hope to take steps 2 and 3.

Thanks for your participation. I hope to see more of it.

Anya Harris on February 10, 2024 - 5:34pm

We are soon ready to announce nominations for an online community members council. We need three people, likely more, who can help us work with both the founders and the delegates to ensure we succeed. We dont have the technology to host an online election yet, so we will ask for nominations.

Think about it...more to come.

John Milligan on February 10, 2024 - 7:32pm

I'd be happy to contribute time and energy and thought above and beyond just blogging in from the rafters!! Unity can play a key role in this election cycle and beyond if we can focus energies. I'd love to help in the focusing effort in any way. Cheers! John

KrisW on February 10, 2024 - 7:58pm

Gee, Anya....

Why aren't you here then????

Or is "Anya" an alias you use??????

KrisW on February 10, 2024 - 8:04pm

What is the purpose of this "online community members council"?

What are its duties?

And why isn't this an "offical announcement" rather than merely an obsure reply in a blog article?

Anya Harris on February 10, 2024 - 8:10pm

I am not a founder per se, but the COO. We are in the process of updating the organizational information to clarify those of us working on organizing this movement. Sorry for the confusion. My mother would be amused at the suggestion of an alias! Anya is my real name. Thanks for the inquiry.

Anya Harris on February 10, 2024 - 8:12pm

This is my weekend's work. I thought it ok to let you know what we are thinking ahead of time rather than wait for a formal announcement, which will come soon.

Anya Harris on February 10, 2024 - 8:13pm

I will be in touch. The more we act together and positively for positive change, the more powerful we will be. Period. Thanks for your outreach and I look forward to working with you!

KrisW on February 10, 2024 - 8:33pm

If you really are the COO of Unity08 as you said elsewhere (I assume that's Chief Operating Officer), that should be posted "officially" elsewhere on the site.

NOT in some obscure blog article.

Methinks someone is attempting a scam.

btbarry on February 10, 2024 - 9:06pm

I want to believe, I really do. But unfortunately for you and Unity '08, there is mounting criticism that ultimately has to be handled quickly. The ball has been in your court for some time now. The longer it stays there, the more people that join up in Jim Cook's mockery of this organization. The clock is ticking....

I just now saw your post about getting together some sort of online council through nominations. I would be interested in hearing about this idea and getting some details. That can be accomplished one of two ways, or both. Give some sort of online explanation to everyone so we can get everyone involved. And/Or email me at I await your response. (edited 2-11-07 @ 6:00 p.m.- btbarry)

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