
What Are People Really Fed Up With

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  • posted by DWB on June 8, 2024 - 5:38pm
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    Unity 08, if you want to attract people, you have to find out exactly why they are fed up with today's politicians. If the nominations from Unity 08 do the same thing, it'll just be more of the same.


    Chicago Al on June 27, 2024 - 2:57am

    It is ridiculous to use Anonymous on your postings.

    Anonymous on June 25, 2024 - 2:27pm

    Fed Up

    Chicago Al on June 25, 2024 - 2:07pm

    OK,Al .. Confused here.. help me out. Exactly what is ridiculous? We're not elite enough for you? How do you distinguish between what your expecting and what you are getting?

    Chicago Al on June 25, 2024 - 2:07pm

    I am fed up reading ridiculous postings from far-left Bush bashing Socialists, Far-right xenophobic isolationists and Grand Conspiracy theorists. Extremists,noncharismatic nobodies,and "ancients" are being mentioned as presidential timber. It is apparent few refer to previous postings.
    Come on, we can do better for a moderate party.

    ken adams on June 25, 2024 - 2:03pm

    You have not called me, I have been sitting in my wheelchair in the house since last week. I have given you my number twice.
    I attempted to deal with this via e-mail but you took no action until I posted here. I just got off the phone again with citi-bank, 22 minutes, only to be told that I will have to file a complaint in writing, wait 90 days, and basicly pray that you don't keep charging me.
    I will pray I guess, that seems to work soooooo well.
    Have a nice day.


    U08 Web Team on June 25, 2024 - 1:41pm

    We want to address Ken Adams' postings about his donation to Unity08 as we take his claims very seriously.

    Mr. Adams' dissatisfaction stems from a phone donation that was placed in late May. This donation was not processed until Friday, June 23. Prior to that date, the Unity08 call center was unable to process credit cards due to technical issues. Mr. Adams received an automatic confirmation when the donation was processed which understandably led him to believe his credit card had been charged a second time. Our staff attempted to explain this situation to him, but he informed us that he believes he was charged twice. Therefore, we are thoroughly investigating our records to ensure he has not been charged more than once. If he has, we will immediately refund him. We will also refund his original donation given his dissatisfaction. Our investigation of the matter and the refund will be completed on Monday, June 26.

    To address his second complaint, we have NOT sold Mr. Adams' personal information to a third party. Any spam or mail he is receiving cannot be attributed to his donation to Unity08.

    We deleted his original posting on this subject because: (a) we have contacted Mr. Adams by email and tried to contact him by phone to resolve this issue and believe it is more appropriate to handle this matter through those channels; and (b) quite simply, the posting violates our Posting Policy.

    If you have any concerns or questions about how we've handled this issue, please contact us at web@unity08.com. This posting will remain up until Tuesday, 6/28 and then all postings regarding this issue will be removed from the Shoutbox so we can get back to debating the issues critical to our country.

    Thank you.

    Anonymous on June 25, 2024 - 1:26pm

    You don't live on $1,494.00 a month, I do. I had a job, had ins. and was terminated immediatly when I was diagnosed with m.s. I was a financial burden. Corrupt self-insured company, useless legal system, 13 status hearings in federal court and dropped for no reason.
    I gave them a chance, I did not post about problem until I was blown off. They still have my Credit card and can make this "mistake" over and over.
    I am done laying down.

    Paine on June 25, 2024 - 11:53am

    I think this is being blown out of proportion. Think about it... Unity08 has likely processed thousands of people’s information. Of course there will be a few mishaps and mix-ups. I donated and was very happy with the service and appreciation I was shown. I think it’s unwise to think that one mix-up is testament to the motives/actions of an entire organization.

    Anonymous on June 25, 2024 - 8:38am

    So impressed by Tom Friedman's "Addicted to Oil" report last night. His ability to make linkages between all parts of the oil-terrorism economy and then make it understandable to the average person is extraordinary. While Friedman may not have the commanding presence that is useful in a chief executive (a.k.a. President), he certainly merits consideration for the Unity 08 VP nomination or in the eventual cabinet. Can you imagine Tom Friedman as Secretary of Energy? Talk about a guy who would get things done in what has long been considered a "second tier" cabinet position.

    kyle on June 25, 2024 - 3:30am

    Unity needs to solve the problem of overcharging. The fact that you removed his posts leads me to believe that you are hiding something. I was thinking about joining this start-up party, not so sure now. I am tired of getting fooled.

    Ken on June 25, 2024 - 2:07am

    unity08 practices the very same censorship as the current corrupt groups that it supposedly is against when it is them that are at fault. If the unautorized charge on my credit card was an honest "mistake" why remove my remarks???
    How many others have you made this "mistake" on?
    You should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Honesty requires transparacey, this is exactly why we need net neutralaity, to keep criminals from hiding the truth. You wrongfully used a donators (me)credit card information, refused to do anything meaningful to rectify the problem, and then hide your "mistake" from public view.

    Yep, you'll fit right in if you get to Washington.

    Ken Adams

    Re-posting below;

    What Are People Really Fed Up With
    posted by DWB on June 8, 2024 - 5:38pm

    How Unity08 will resolve their mistakes
    Ken on June 23, 2024 - 10:06pm
    The following is a copy of the last e-mail from unity08 and my response.
    A call to Citi-Bank confirms that my account was charged twice and has yet to be credited. (if they are correct???)
    Think twice before giving them your info., keep in mind the fish rots from the head down. I was told that Karla is a supervisor.


    ***U08 Web Team Note: We have deleted Mr. Adams personal communications with a member of the Unity08 team from this posting as we don't think it is appropriate to post it here. We have left all other comments. If you have any concerns about this decision, please email us.***

    Keen A. on June 23, 2024 - 5:13pm
    Last month I became aware of Unity08, I did some on-line research on them and decided to donate to this group.
    I donated $50.00 dollars via the telephone. I have had my identity stolen and do not give credit information on-line. Not a great deal of money for sure, but as I am disabled and on Social Security Disability it is to me. I was asked if I would like to make a monthly donation on my card, I declined for the above stated reason.
    Today my card was charged and I was notified by e-mail.
    When I called Unity I was told by "Phill" that he would call Denver and see what was going on, he also insinuated that it was a second charge, (unauthorized).
    "Phill" also used the mantra expressed by the mediocore; "we are doing the best we can".
    I was then contacted by e-mail by Karla Johnson-Grimnes and told that it was "most likely" the first charge and was just now being processed. If I would send her my phone # she would call me back.
    Unity08 has my phone #, of course it IS THE WRONG nummber, operator must have entered it wrong.
    The people at Unity08 should be able to find a way into politics with no trouble, they already have the required skills, incompetence and mediocrity.
    My e-mail acct. is now full of spam, thank you Unity08 for selling or giving my PERSONAL INFORMATION OUT. My snail-mailbox is now full of even more junk mail, thank you again Unity08,
    I now don't know if I should give up all hope of honesty in government, or just become a new Republican, if you can't beat em, join em.


    Anonymous on June 22, 2024 - 11:49am

    It appears that our whole system of Democracy is breaking apart and no one is watching. I am fed up with reading about the problems that we have created for ourselves and no once is attempting to solve the reasons that create the problems. We have hearings and more hearings and investigations, but seldom do we ever hear of actual positive results from them. No one is held accountable for anything. Our government is play acting in a production without a director and they still get standing ovations and bravos without a clue of how bad the play is. We need a new script, a few competant directors and actors who can memorize their lines, tackle the essense of the story and deliver a positive performance. We need an entirely new cast with new talents to produce the longest running show. It can happen. Unity08 is going to make it happen.

    johngelles on June 18, 2024 - 3:18pm

    DEFEATISM seems innocent enough: you wake up sad and beat -- too many problems, too few solutions. You feel low and feel sorry for a President (who after winning office still has more problems than solutions -- or so it seems.)

    But DEFEAT is not an option for the greatest democracy in history. We are teaching certain crazies we are no paper tiger. We much show the people we rescue from our enemies that we will not desert them again as we ignominiously did after the First Gulf War.

    We should have known earlier than 9-11 that WMD's in the hands of a very few people have changed the timing of war. No nation can wait for likely disasters to happen.

    Possibly, in 1914 and 1941, the tradition of waiting could be tolerated. That day has past.

    It is time to stay ahead of the curve -- to WIN what we start and START what we MUST.

    Terrorism declared war on America and its people. Science has given power to very small groups to make war. There is no way to reset the clock. We have natural allies and must convince them we are civilized and trustwowthy. England is one and Russia is two. We need a lot more. DEFEATISM will gain us none.

    I'm fed up with DEFEATISM and with our failure to join with Russia in approaching the really big issues of political stability and partnering with nations whose interests closely coincide -- this includes the EU, Japan, China, India and Brazil.

    John Gelles
    Human rights and how to pay for them are key to a livable world.

    Anonymous on June 18, 2024 - 1:42pm

    Keep in mind how hard it is to get by when you only make 4-5 times what the median family income is in your state. Cost of Living Adjusments are necessary if they are to represent us.
    More realistically, they knew what the job paid when they ran. The sad thing about term limits is most states that got them then raised state legislative salaries so they could attract "good" candidates.

    Anonymous on June 18, 2024 - 1:14pm

    Too many to mention, the list is endless. Last week Congress voted themselves a $3,300.00 raise. Where else in this country does a paid employee decide on his or hers raises? I believe that every election that question should be on the ballot. Should they get a raise? Lousy job, no raise. And, maybe after Congress has voted to raise the minimum wage nine times (I believe that is how many raises they have voted for themselves since they last raised minimum wage) maybe we will consider another raise for Congress. It would be sort of a mini vote of confidence if they have done the job they were elected to do.

    Anonymous on June 17, 2024 - 4:19pm

    I'm fed up with U.S. militarism. From foreign policy to the design of our vehicles, to the allocation of tax revenues, its all aggressive militarism. We are a poor example for international peace. The national priorites in terms of allocating our resources should be health care and educational opportuntiy for evereyone, the global and local environment, and defense (not offense) - in that order. We do need a U.S. Department of Peace, separate from the Dept. of State, which has become a boot lackey for aggressive foreign policy.

    Dean Aarsvold on June 16, 2024 - 8:07am

    What irritates me the most is being treated like a child! I'm suppose to be a mature adult, at least when it comes to paying taxes and working for a living. But Big Brother is so much smarter than me. They know I'm so stupid that they have to make sure I only do what they think is for my own good. I can't decide for myself if I want to go into a bar that has people smoking in it. I have heard that secondhand smoke is deadly but I'm not able to decide for myself if I want to go in, or work there, or not. I've heard that wearing seatbelts MIGHT save my life in an accident, I have heard that certain drugs are bad for you and paying for sex with a mature, consenting adult is somehow bad for me, but I can't decide for myself if I want to take the risk. Of course not! My Government knows whats best for me. Just ask them. They'll tell you!
    The point I'm trying to make is there are no guarantees! LIFE is dangerous! If Government started to concentrate more on what it should be doing, 911 probably wouldn't have happened, We wouldn't be trying to steal Iraq oil and New Orleans wouldn't look like a war zone! The arrogance of our leaders brought this whole threat on us. We need to M.O.O.B.! There should be more than enough money to care of this once Great Nation! Come on people! We have a MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR budget!! There is more than enough money to do what the Government needs to do. We just have to get our priorities straight!
    When I was a kid we said "America! Land of the free, Home of the brave! We've become the "Land of the Kept, Home of the Whiner! I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!
    I could go on and on but I don't have the time . I hope this is the start of a revolution that this country needs! I love this country but my Government embarrasses me. We HAVE to do something NOW! I'm afraid this country is doomed. And my fellow citizens, Times a waisting! Until next time...

    Corsair on June 12, 2024 - 10:43pm

    What I'm fed up with is the inability to have a constructive arguement in politics. Everyone is so quick to unmoveable positions that nothing can be done. Abortion, gun control, gay marriage -- none of these things will be discussed, just shouted as slogans and wielded as clubs. Can you see a debate where candidates actually go in-depth about their reasons for being pro/con other than "god says so" or "right to choose"? Is there anything other than slogans?

    Worse, political consultants use the fringe groups, marchers and such to bash any moderates (the most likely to have a discussion) out of an election before there is ANY talking at all. I've been in many campaigns both Republican and Democrat and that's why politicians no longer answer surveys and such about their beliefs -- they know they'll never get a chance to speak otherwise.

    Mhichil on June 12, 2024 - 1:11pm

    There should be little doubt that the last election was swung by social/moral issues. During the '04 election we were in the middle of a downward spiraling war, public enemy #1 was taunting us on the television and inflation was beginning to rear it's head, but the one thing that sent people to the polls in record numbers was social/moral issue(s). A strong new party needs to address where it is going to stand on these issues. Since it should also be pretty clear that the country is just about as evenly split as possible on many of these issues it will also be important to define the stance with an apologetic treatise.

    Anonymous on June 12, 2024 - 6:37am

    The constitutional system is just fine .. its the voters that need refinement. Politicians are rabid humans. Their motivations are depraved, being mostly sex, power, money, and a bit of fame. They do NOT mind making false promises .. that's what their record indicates in the majority of cases. case in point, how many current representives ran on the "term limits" theme in 1992 .. and are still there. If they wanted to be respected, then why do most turn to corruption .. The only way to control them is what we do with any rabid animal.. we PUT THEM DOWN.

    toddpw on June 12, 2024 - 12:45am

    We've allowed a political system to develop that REWARDS most of the behaviors we hate.

    It's just like a CEO who tells his employees to spend time helping other departments succeed, but then the actual performance reviews are based totally on how much each person got their own jobs done. Pretty soon everyone is ignoring the CEO because anyone who listened has been given a negative review (or worse).

    Anonymous on June 10, 2024 - 5:53pm

    It may be an oxymoron to a politician, including u08. Why would a politician put him or her self out of business?

    Even assuming u08 takes over all brances of government, I doubt anything fundamental will change, unless u08 and it's successors adopt this as it's root objective i.e., reduce the size of government at all levels, and empower non career politician leaders.

    GlobalTraveler on June 10, 2024 - 3:21pm

    I would vote, in an instant, for the first politician who would utter these words!

    What irritates me most about politicians is that they spout, in sound bytes, party platform positions, using party-approved language. They give me the impression that they have no brain, or haven't exercised it recently!

    If just once, a candidate would admit to being ambivalent about an issue, or seeing the validity of more than one point of view, they would more accurately reflect the moderate America.

    Such a politician would get major bonus points for being able to articulate clearly how they resolved their ambivalence. I could vote for such a thoughtful politician, even if I disagreed with him or her on a number of issues.

    Please, politicians, show some sign of thinking, of analytical ability, of long-term foresight!

    Anonymous on June 10, 2024 - 8:18am

    On the contrary, Politicians are rabid humans. Their motivations are depraved, being mostly sex, power, money, and a bit of fame. They do NOT mind making false promises .. that's what their record indicates in the majority of cases. case in point, how many current representives ran on the "term limits" theme in 1992 .. and are still there. If they wanted to be respected, then why do most turn to corruption .. The only way to control them is what we do with any rabid animal.. we PUT THEM DOWN.

    dpb on June 10, 2024 - 7:35am

    i believe things are the way they are because that's "how things currently work". meaning what? i'm glad you asked...we have politicians behaving the way they do because that's what it takes to get elected. my sincere hope is unity08 can alter the "way things work" by providing an alternative that creates momentum and political power. if we create political power, we alter the "way things work" and those elected will modify behavior. to be successful, we need to remember there are a lot of us in the middle, and we don't all believe the same things. there needs to be compromise, understanding, and tolerance. the big picture is we must demonstrate enough "unity" to create a groundswell that translates into political power. this is our chance to initiate real change.

    DWB on June 9, 2024 - 10:50pm

    This is good, now i think we're getting something. Are you reading these posts Unity 08? These people know what the issues are and where they syand. What about the politicians? Do they have the guts to stand for something? That's what I want from my leader. Do they have the guts to disagree with someone and possibly not get their vote, or even worse, their money?

    nomad1 on June 9, 2024 - 5:34pm

    LoL ... reminds me of how I felt when I opened my email yesterday and found this choice spamogram from my esteemed Senator Kennedy.

    Dear xxxx,
    Thanks to an outpouring of support from across the country, your voice was heard this week on the Senate floor. The so-called Federal Marriage Amendment was defeated and the Constitution was protected. blah blah blah ..

    I responded to his unsubscribe link with the following:

    "My voice is never heard. Please stop bothing me".

    Think he will?

    gonegonzoagain on June 9, 2024 - 5:22pm

    I am tired of the same old, same old. Seems like Politian’s prefer the taxpayer dazed and confused, we start talking boarder security and we waste 3 days on “Gay Marriage”. We want to hear about tax reform, and we gear up for the “Flag Burning” controversy. I wish our representatives would quit using the old bait and switch tactics. We want to hear about affordable health care for Americans, then somebody brings up “God, Guns, Gays or Abortion”, and as far as I am concerned this plays to both side of the isle. Both parties need to find the middle of the road and learn to respectfully disagree.

    John Nessler on June 9, 2024 - 4:03pm

    If we are going to correct the politicians we will have to remove our children from Government Schools. I was educated in one when the the teachers still considered themselves as professionals and had some pride in there work. There were signs of what was coming as The New Deal supposedly had the right to tell us in our history books, how wonderful the president, Roosevelt, was and he was still in his first term. I remember a teacher talking about how wonderful the NRA was going to be. It was price fixing by the government and later declared un-constituional. We have the same thing today and we must close down the government schools if we are to have citizens who have the education to elect better Representatives.

    Andrew Purvis on June 9, 2024 - 1:17pm

    How is it that most political arguments ("We have not had a terrorist attack on American soil since we created DHS, so DHS is the reason," is one good example) are based on counterfactuals, non sequiturs, post hoc argumentation, red herrings, never mind the overabundance , and the like?

    The larger population needs to learn to recognize these concepts that any college sophomore should have encountered. Furthermore, people have got to start calling both politicians and the media's talking heads on these flawed arguments.

    As long as the population accepts bad argumentation techniques, people in politics and the media will continue to use them. This must change. (The seven-way California gubernatorial debate a couple years ago is a great example of what is wrong and what can be right in political speech.)

    Sketch on June 9, 2024 - 12:49pm

    If it is the media sound byte that is limiting the ability of politicians to express themselves, why are most of their websites equally bereft of thoughtful analysis?

    Respectfully Submitted,
