While waiting for the thanksgiving dinner to be served a discussion between two of the guests over politics got pretty nasty and the fur began to fly. A truce was called and the dinner was consumed. After dinner I joined in a discussion that continued on the back deck where the smokers congregated. Deciding that anger and finger pointing was counterproductive we decided to look at each item and see what we could agree upon. There were points and counterpoints but we did seem to agree that pork, ethics and campaign reform was sorely needed. Same sex marriages, immigration, Iraq was also discussed but the least divisive were the Big three. I believe that these should be our main issues in our quest for the White House in 08. Lets face it, if a flaming liberal(daughter) and a neo-consertive (brother) can actually agree on some things gives us hope that this country can do the same.
1. Pork: If somehow a system could be set up to publicly list items of pork(too many to list and digest)using the most flagrant examples. We could highlight who proposed the item, how much money was involved and what interests(including lobbyist) benefited. Maybe the media could be prodded into publicizing the results so that the whole country would noticed. Each week, month or some determined time the list would change.
2. Ethics: again a system of selecting unethical conduct to highlight and publicize unethical conduct(not nesseraly illegal). Also counter with some proposed solutions.
3. Campaign reform: Another agenda that needs specific and public scrutiny. Expose problems and suggest reforms.
All three of these items are interrelated if you thing about it. Both parties contribute to it and defend the system while at the same time give lip service to reforms. My suggestion is to balance out our lists with equal finger pointing to both parties to keep the public from choosing sides. We are more apt to listen when things are presented to us in a nonthreatening manner. When we pick on one party without doing the same for the other then people get defensive real quick and tend to close there mind and attack the other side. Our job, as I see it, is to get the public to accept us as a nonpartisian group that represents the largest majority.