
ReOpen 911 Investigation

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  • posted by Heyman Nationwide on November 15, 2025 - 7:17am
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    The majority of Americans want a new 9-11 investigation. Since the majority of Internet users know 9-11 was an inside job. And controlled demolition brought down the twin towers.
    Anyone who thinks this is a theory? Go to: http://www.reopen911.org/index.htm
    A theory someone has to prove. Since kerosene and jet fuel burn at the same temperature. There is no way steel beams would melt. Would a kerosene heater melt? NO! Steel melts at 2,850 degrees. Kerosene and jet fuel burns at 1,450 degrees. Half the melting temperature of steel. There is no way jet fuel brought those buildings down.

    I won't discuss the other two jets that day. Watch Loose Change Second Edition for free at: http://loosechange911.com/
    Either the American Public accepts the facts? Our government was invovled. The media is constantly lying to us. And the terrorists are in reality, our government. Our freedom is being hyjacked by our government. WE are being led by a pack of insane, irresponsible, murderers. Yes these people DO NOT CARE about American lives. WE are pawns. To be thrown away.
    Wake up!


    Heyman Nationwide on November 15, 2025 - 10:17am
