
Election 06: The Peaceful Overthrow of the Government

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  • posted by jmcgregs1 on October 4, 2025 - 12:47pm
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    Unless all Republicans and Demoocrats are removed from office this november, they will do it to the American People again. More Politics, the defined evil, more lies, more corruption.

    The War is a lie. The troops are dying for Bush's political agenda, dying for nothing. There is no way to win or control in Iraq, its all nonsense and wrong. Something needs to done to force Bush to bring the troops home now and send them to the border with orders to use force to stop the illegals.

    Gas prices, the oil companies have been taking the peoples money while they make record profits. The prices have been coming down, is it real or politics before the election? Should the people trust this now or wait till after the election?

    The President and Congress have done nothing about the war, immigration or gas prices.

    The people have the power to force the President and the Congress to act, by the peaceful overthrow of the government, by pulling a lever in election 06 to remove all Republicans and Democrats from office.

    Now the new Congress can impeach Bush immediately and Cheney. Then the new Speaker can assume the Presidency, etc.

    Now the troops can be brought home immedtiately, put on the border and should it be necessary, the oil companies can be forced to lower their prices.

    Jim McGregor, Parish, NY


    smhiott on October 16, 2025 - 8:12am

    Here I go again with my semiliterate rambling about the mess in Washington (and by association, the states also) and ways to change it. If we as a party, movement or whatever it is called have no platform other than to have independent minded and acting people elected to office, then we eliminate some of the problems associated with the partisan politics we have now. If a independent person is elected and is found to have done something illegal or unethical, then they should face the people without a party to defend or attack them like it is now. When a R or D is in that position now, one side attacks the other party or defends their own party automatically. This is a stupid us or them mentality that serves no purpose than to preserve the political bosses power, it time to take the power back to the people. This November is turning into which side are you on with two choices, if you are happy in one foxhole or the other, fine, stay there but I for one am not happy and want to shed the label of either one.