The news media are always professional skeptics. So when the skeptics took the launch of Unity08 seriously it shook Washington a little. (Not a lot yet, but sonic booms are coming.)
In 72 hours, Unity08 had more people signed up to be delegates at our 2024 online convention to nominate the next President than both the Republicans and Democrats had at their conventions in 2024. (Have you signed up? If not, click here.)
When Broder (Washington Post), Brownstein (L.A. Times), Alter (Newsweek), Carlson (Bloomberg), Schneider (CNN), and Jim Lehrer’s Newshour all noted what we/you were doing it surprised us.
What’s more, most of the media understood. Peggy Noonan (former Reagan wordsmith) wrote in the Wall Street Journal "I have a feeling we’re at some new beginning, that a big breakup’s coming." She’s writing about you. When she says that "the parties in Washington, and the people on the ground in America, are polarized" she is exactly right.
Joe Trippi (of Howard Dean fame) wrote in the London Guardian: "Alarm bells should ring loud at both party headquarters in Washington if thousands of Americans begin to join together at Unity08 to work around the two party system and nominate their own candidate for president."
When Joe Trippi and Peggy Noonan agree, it’s for sure that, as she says: “Something’s happening.”
Click here if you haven’t signed up yet. If you have, how about your mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, neighbor, friend, Aunt Tillie? Pick one and get them to sign them up today. And one more tomorrow. And one more the next day.
You’re changing America – and you want them with you, don’t you?
I was just in it for the bumper sticker...
Just kidding - I really am excited about being part of something that has the potential to shape the way politics works. Creating an agenda, the civil discussion of ideas, its all been great.
I really hope that we can make ethe site a little more functional. If we could create a topic specific forum or something similar, I think people would be less overwhelmed when they see the site. It would also encourage furthur participation.
If you haven't joined all ready, do it now!
Yes we need a new and special forum on HOW TO PAY FOR GIANT-SIZE REFORMS (a) to protect the environment; (b) to rationalize globalization to protect existing industrial middle classes; (c) to protect nations from global terrorism; (d) to develop hydrogen / solar future energy systems; (e) to control and reverse the spread of AIDS, malaria, flu, etc.; (f) to better meet natural and man-made disasters with pre-positioned assets and ships and planes ready to move, etc.
I wonder if Unity08 can rally 'round the concept of guestocracy. Clearly, democracy creates a vast middle class who won't feed or clean themselves, won't care for their children, can't manufacture or build anything, are too stupid to do technical work and must be tended by an endless supply of guest workers in order to survive.
I wondered where the newly hatched democracy in Iraq would get guest workers, then realized they're already there. They're called Americans - doing work Iraqis won't do.
So, making sure America gets a lot of guest workers appears crucial to our survival and our morphing into a full-fledged guestocracy, inevitable.
Consider Wes Clark as Unity08's presidential candidate. He probably hasn't got a ghost of a chance at the Democratic nomination, and when I heard him on ABC's This Week earlier this year, he made an enormous amount of centrist sense. Perhaps best, he was clear without dumbing the issues down or patronizing the listener -- a rare trait he shares with Obama.
I think Clark is one of those people who has to strain to stay in good with the left because he's a natural centrist, and that will become even more evident once failure to be nominated frees him from the Dem base-pleasing obligation.
I'd also like to see Lindsey Graham on "our" ticket, though I don't know if he would accept -- I think he's a diehard Republican, but like McCain he goes his own way, and he has real integrity. I would vote for him for president whatever ticket he ran on.
A restoration of free enterprise capitalism? Or have we decided to head into socialism so we can all have our hands in the till? This may be the most important issue for me. Second is to leave all social issues to the individual and the state. This federal government intrusion into our lives is a killer of freedoms.
I actually heard two people talking about Unity08 on NPR this morning! One was representing the dems and the other the GOP. Surprise, surprise, though, both said "Gee, it sounds like a nice idea, but I don't think its realistic" and "While I like the idea of Unity, the real question is which party is this going to hurt most (i.e. who are they going to be a "spoiler" for)". So, obviously in the news media, even on usually slightly more intelligent NPR, we have an uphill battle of letting people know that we mean business and intend to WIN the presidency. But, I'm encouraged that the parties are doing what they should and "sounding the alarm bells" because of this movement of "radical" centrists.
On an aside, please try to keep your posts related solely to the topic of the main article "The Future is Yours to Shape". It will make the site much better for everyone if we make an effort to keep our discussions focused, especially since our main goal is to get the federal government to focus on the crucial issues.
Socialism or capitalism, isolationism or exansionism, freedom fighter or insurgent! You will know the proper policy when both sides agree with it... Like it is wrong to profit off the sick and elderly, like it is wrong to accept legislative influence by corporations located or influenced by offshore interests... Right now corporations dicate legislative and executive decision... once again an extreme in this nation... unconditional capitalism which had destroyed the critical social functions of education, healthcare, judicial process and now it is effecting national security and military policy....
Not only the civilian leadership, but the military leadership are goof balls! I agree with taking out the leadership of the enemy as a military policy - but for goodness sakes don't put all of our marbles in one place - now that the enemy will think fire against fire! I'm terrified the entire Green Zone in Bagdad might be a potential target! Can someone help me here! Is this yet another big oversight? I seem to remember a Marine barracks thing years ago!
Technology is being manipulated for profit rather than implemented for reform... in the 70's they new computers should be server based, distributing cheap dumb terminals in the community which dial into the server where the software and files are stored... but to make a profit they have been selling us all servers... We are on the verge of proper application via our cellphones and handheld devices... it may not seem a major change but in reality it is the key revelation for the reform of all institutions of the bureaucracy...
How about privatizing government. Let's get a non-competitive bid and have Halliburton run the country. If they do a good job, we can renew their contract for four more years.
Haven't ever done this before. Here I go:
Reading comments here does not make me feel that Unity08 will succeed. Once again no cohesion and too many people that haven't researched subjects but do have strong opinions on them, sort of faith based? And look where that circus brought us.
But, I feel there are several changes that need to be made at the National Level to fix a whole mess of things.
1) NO MORE PIGGY-BACK BILLS. Each piece of legislation must contain direct subject relation. No more hundreds of pages/bill that are filled with waste and deception that legislators can not possibly analyze in their alloted time.
2) LOBBYING NEEDS TO GO BACK TO A TIME when each lobbyist was connected via employment with a particular company. The system has morphed into the highest bidder(via connection) to disfigure the legislative process. Democracy can not survive under such a system of corruption. DeLay showed us this with his K Street project.
*K STREET PROJECT = Lobbying firms now functioning as a business are concentrated on K Street, Washington, DC. DeLay told firms they could only employ republicans if they wanted to do business in Washington. They complied. Goal was for total control. DeLay achieved 100% success. Tick-Tock Democracy thrown off the clock.
3) ELECTRONIC VOTING WAS A SCAM. The rules and regulations must be changed. Yes, chads were stupid but mechanical machines were excellent. A VERIFIABLE, RECOUNTABLE PAPERTRAIL was produced. Now we have a voting system that is UNverifiable, UNrecountable and, as computers are comfortable with, EASILY MANIPULATED by humans from
a distance. Why did this happen and why no response to it until now? By accident? Not a chance..Unless changed and fast there will be no even-near honest elections ever conducted in the USA again. Was this by design? You bet..the republicans arranged it and the
democrats let it happen it and we all lost. Listen to the people and watch the results in the coming election cycle. They will not match up.
4) OUR REPRESENTATIVES SHOULD HAVE OTHER SOURCES OF INCOME FROM JOBS WITH WHICH THEY ARE ACTIVE. Their pay should supplement their own personal income and their position as legislator should NOT be their job.
They should NOT be able to vote their own raises. That should be the job of the people.
5) ANY UNETHICAL OR ILLEGAL ACTIVITY SHOULD BE A SWIFT REMOVAL FROM THEIR POSITION IMMEDIATELY. Currently they are policing themselves and so they have simply shut down the mechanism for doing so. Is there a Congressional Mafia with a complicit Executive and Judicial Branch?
That's just a starter program.
Becci K
Hey, hope that was a joke of some sick sort. Halibuton via Cheney already does to a large degree run the country.
Currently Haliburton is destroying our heartland with their FRACKING for Natural Gas.
FRACKING = the pounding and injecting of toxic fluid into the earth to retrieve gas.
The folks out there have black goo running from their faucets.
And YOU WANT TO PRIVATIZE our government? It's already privatized for all intent and purpose under the new rules of "drain the company coffers for personal gain to a few."
Just check out the Haliburton wealth gained from their war and our taxes.
Or check out their wealth under the Katrina no bid rip off. And then also look at the work that has been done there.
Privatization started the slide into our current mess. Let's not kid about it and certainly not entertain it as a serious subject.
I hope you weren't serious.
Becci K
I would like to start finding those on the extreme of issues... those that want drastic change... a special blog room for this... so we can bring those on the edge toward the center by discussing their views... most of which are ill informed - we can bring those on the fringe to the real center of this Independent movement...
I was looking for a new blog site where there were fewer condescending, sarcastic, obtuse remarks that reflect a constant one-upsmanship theme. No luck here. Seems just like all the others ... depressing.
I tried to have a intelligent discussion a few days ago, and sure enough, half-baked wackos with half-baked ideologies hijack the discussion with half-baked rhetoric.
If Unity '08 expects to accomplish anything useful or intelligent, it needs to provide a means of communication for intelligent discussion involving facts. Rather than what we have here, which is meaningless rants and ignorant conspiracies.
Please try to keep your posts related solely to the topic of the main article "The Future is Yours to Shape". It will make the site much better for everyone if we make an effort to keep our discussions focused, especially since our main goal is to get the federal government to focus.
For example I heard people talking about Unity08 on NPR, similar to the news articles refered to in the main blog up top, and felt the need to comment. Anyone else heard the news media discussing Unity08?
Of course many of the comments will be off topic, until there is a forum with categories to post under -- people have a lot to say!
I’ve read the description, the beliefs and goals of Unity ’08 and I ask…
Is this just another wimpy endeavor to shore up a system that it is admittedly broken.?
Will it be able to wake up the people from their American dream before it becomes a nightmare or worse before it dies?
Why not admit like our founding fathers that we have become the subjects of an unjust corpocracy? For more than the past 20 years have we not seen that our political parties have not lacked “unity” in turning over our democracy to the interests of the corporations? Haven’t they used our laws to defend the interests of big business against the good of the people? Does the media not conspire to make us comfortable with a myth of freedom?
While workers are influenced by powerful big business to spend more than they earn, are they not becoming so deep in debt that they are the indentured slaves of corporate America? Is this new form of slavery keeping the American people too busy to notice our lack of freedom and too tired to fight for it? Have large numbers of “middle” Americans shamefully given up their right to vote? Will our politicians with their hollow speeches about tremendous trifles succeed in putting to sleep those of us “still voting out of cynicism”? Why bother voting when it is obvious the choices of candidates don’t have a clue how to deal with our critical national issues? What plans have they shown for solving the problems of escalating hot wars, global warming, the effects of poverty at home and abroad, insurance companies rapidly replacing healthcare with wealthcare, homeland insecurity, renewable solutions to the energy crisis, destruction of the worlds natural resources and the dumbing down of future generations with a system of education that is failing? Is our national debt not only up to its eyeballs but way over its head? Haven’t our politics evolved into just another spectator sport? Do our campaigns mimic the playoffs and our elections provide the tv networks with another super bowl event, where sponsors pay big bucks to the players of both teams to keep passing our national issues from one side to the other, to keep us entertained, to gain our applause, and to win another 4 years of playing time? When will we face the facts that in the great scheme of things, neither the attention nor huge amounts of money invested in our sports and our political heroes have contributed significantly to our real lives (except perhaps give men something safe to talk about at the water cooler or at the bar)?
Is electronic democracy going to wake up American citizens? Will Unity ’08 cry out that we again have taxation without representation and it is still tyranny. Will it point out that our elected officials do not represent the people? How can our political system of elections finally provide an actual picture of the population of America, (black, white, Latinos, Asian, Native American, women and men, rich and poor, professional, skilled and unskilled etc.) in place of the portrait of an elite few? Will Unity ’08 work to oppose the manipulation of a once useful method of elections, question redistricting, campaign finance, term limits for career politicians and even the integrity of our voting booth?
The internet with or without Unity ’08 is indeed a chance for a true democracy again. Unlike the TV where expensive campaigns are played out, the internet provides a virtually free two way communication for our citizens to speak and to hear one another. A voice crying in cyber space is not unpatriotic for the internet is a place for our world citizens to enter in the discussion since we have chosen to involve ourselves in the affairs of their nations.
While our military have died to give the people of Iraq and Afganistan the privilege of voting, we need prophetic voices to challenge us to assume our grave responsibility for that right and privilege here at home. How better to honor our fallen heroes than living the principles for which they lived and died. A true patriot must also protect the country from its government. Will “Unity “08” really wage war against the status quo? That is the question.
Thank you ckarli, you just made my last point better than I could have.
Unity '08 is truly on to something.
Since the last Presidential election I have been struck with an observation that has clarified the progression of political discourse for me.
I believe that the fundamental trend that has polluted our political debate and process in this country is that ALL of us have become single issue people. The issues are diverse, but the need to pick one has become an obsession for activists, politicians and individual voters. For some it is taxes, for others abortion, for others gay rights, for others the avoidance of gay rights. Whatever the issue, we have a need to reduce a candidate to their stand on one issue.
This reality makes it quite easy for the political parties to devolve into their current status. The pundits simply need to 1) identify quantifiable single issues 2) count the adherents to that principle 3) market their candidate as the pro ________ or anti_________ candidate and they are assured of a fixed number of votes.
I began to realize the depth of this issue when I was speaking with my wife about a local election in our hometown. One of our neighbors - a former township supervisor - was running for a state office. I know the woman, and think she is quite capable and I always think it is good to have local representation at a state or national level. My wife's response was, "I can't support her, she is anti-abortion."
Some weeks later, I was having a conversation with a close college friend who lives nearby. He is an accomplished attorney and quite knowledgeable. We enjoy our political sparring matches. At one point, I realized that he was in agreement with me about the progress of the war and that generally the road our President was following was not one that either of us thought was defensible. "So," I said,sensing an extraordinary victory "can I finally get you to change your vote!!!??"
"Of course not," he said, "The only thing I care about is taxes. As long as he is going to lower them, I am for him."
The complexities of the challenges facing our democracy are not about 50 or 60 single issues but rather the confluence of topics and issues and international diplomacy that make our world a better place to live. Until the electorate forces our political process to find better ways to have an expanded dialogue, we will continue to get the inferior results that we have had in the past few elections.
I am with you 100% - let's get this party started in here!!!
If you want to sign up to be delegate, read some comments, maybe donate, and then forget about the Unity Party for the next 14 months or so, that's OK.
If you're content to tell anonymous "party leaders" what you want with comments and polls, that's OK too.
But, if you want to start organizing... if you want to start coordinating with other people to support and influence the direction of the party concretely, there there is another place for you.
Check out its web forum, check out its LiveJournal community, check out its UnityWiki, check out its yahoo group and its google group.
Find *some* way of supporting and coordinating. Or set one up yourself and I'll link to it from them all. Just find a net medium that appeals to you and let's start working on "the grassroots" part of this movement.
Isn't this what we are looking for in a candidate?
This effort must not devolve to an issues oriented effort. We must seek the person with the integrity to lead this country out of the current mess. This person must have displayed the intelligence, honesty and lack of political obligation that so encumbers those persons seeking the nominations of the current political machines. A person with name recognition that can deliver major electoral vote totals is essential to the success of this grass roots movement. Soon to be elected AG of California, Jerry Brown fits the job description.
Link TV has posted clips of YearlyKos here:
Longer segments with better video controls are posted here: (you need to get an account and search for "YearlyKos")
I watched a bit of the Kos .. my take is tiny minds with tiny thoughts of social misfits endowed with an over extended opinion of themselves. I suspect most of them are just overgrown trust fund babies with no adult supervision.
Watching Kos, reading comments, listening to the political pundits: it all brings to mind the lyric -- What's it all about Alfie?
The Left is about genuine need that is not met by free (and less than free) markets -- because need is not in the game -- need must be trasformed into demand backed up with money.
The Left has a remedy: increase entitlements to put money for demand where its needed most.
The Right is about unmet supply. By its lights, supply automatically creates its own demand.
In fact, the poor, needy, state governments, cities, hospitals, whoever or whatever it is -- IF it ain't got the money -- supply can't create the demand it needs.
The Right thinks it knows why: it's because it's not working hard (and/or smart) to supply what's needed.
You know what? They're both on to half the truth.
That's why we have to join them together to add their two halves and get on with it.
It is a formidable task to supply anything -- especially in this technologically advanced global economy. Talk won't do it.
You have got to study, accept discipline, be organized, work hard, and ship and sell a quality product. Business does it -- often better than government.
It is a formidable task to add demand in such a way as not to reduce the work ethic.
If it were not as hard as it is, China would add domestic demand and stop shipping quality goods in return for American paper debt. That paper is at risk of a rapid decline in value -- and the Chinese know it.
If the Center is going to hold, the Left and Right are going to have to better understand where each is coming from.
John Gelles
Human rights and how to pay for them are key to a livable world.
See for 21st century ideas for a 21st century party. Perhaps this is the way to go like unity08, but I think it will take a wealthy board of directors to see a movement like this through as proposes.
Message from U08Moderator: A noted comment and addition to this conversation. However, your copied posts on numerous other Unity08 blogs have been taken down. Please do not copy and paste comments to numerous Unity08 blogs. And, in general, please refrain from posting entirely in caps.
If you want to see actual bipartisanship NOW rather than 3 years from now be sure to do what you can to restore some balance to Washington. Regardless of how you really feel about them, help democrats win at least one house in congress in 2024. Stall the Bush agenda before it runds over what is left of our hope.
Look past the propoganda fog and understand most of what you hear and see on television as well as in this blog is meant to confuse you into thinking it is the peoples failure to make a decision is the two party system is not working. That the democrats and republicans are confused because the people are confused and polorized. Just be clear, if you are a Democrat or Republican you are a fool that will be fooled again... We want a wall along our borders, our jobs back, and everyone to go down and change their political affiliation to independent and bring the two party system to it's knees!
This ticket must be represented by a Independent ticket, any candidate with a past with either party politically will fail. For it is the Independents and the non-voters who will come to the polls in support of a strong outsider that speaks clear resolutions, no longer confusing the issues for the people. Worlds of leadership that will bring more and more Americans to independence politically as his influence becomes known to the people. He will bring the non-voter and those whom have given up on the system to the polls with one simple theme... register as an independent and overwhelm the two heads, republican and democrats....
OUR GOVERNMENT IS BROKEN and we need to ban togther to fix it! The conservative right has taken control of the leadership of the Republican party and the leadership of the Republican party has instituded rules in the house that basically force the Republican members to vote as a block or they lose their choice committee jobs and the support of their party. Hene, we only have 2 functioning branches of Government the Executive and the Judicial branches. This has, in effect, taken control away from the people and given it to a group of right wing activists. This is not a Democratic or Republican issue. It's an issue for the people.
I have tried to send a number of e-mail addresses to you so that invitations to join could be sent to some of my friends. When I try to submit the list I get a window stating that I need to give myself a valid e-mail address. I gave which is my e-mail address. Please advise.
There are 44 million informal caregivers (family and friends) in the USA who attend to the 100 million people in need of caregiving. They need political support and the independent third party is just perfect. Of course the small businesses who employ caregivers would also support Unity08.
We need a tax break for businesses, especially for small businesses, when they hire and retain an informal caregiver as an employee. Businesses already have a tax break when they employ a disabled person. The same or similar tax break should be given to the business which hires informal caregivers or who already employ such caregivers.
There are 44 million informal caregivers in the USA. These informal caregivers are members of the family or friends of the person in need of caregiving. There are 100 million people in the USA who are in need of an informal caregiver. These are the frail elderly, chronically ill and the disabled. This population sector is the fastest growing segment due to the aging of the baby boomer population.
If an independent third party politician or candidate for political office would create and push through the legislation which would provide a tax break to the employers of caregivers, it would assure that such politician or candidate certainly would be supported by much of the above 144 million population segment: the combination of the informal caregivers and the people who are in need of care.
What a campaign issue, indeed!
The US Department of Labor predicts that by 2024, 54 percent of the work force will be involved in caring just for an elderly person making doctors' appointments, handling emergencies, giving transportation, buying and cooking food, all the basic functions of life the elderly person has difficulties to perform.
But the informal caregivers who are also full time employed have a major problem; not everyone is able to manage the conflicting demands of working and caregiving.
A MetLife study reported that 16 percent of employees who perform as caregivers quit their jobs and 13 percent retired early in order that they could provide caregiving to the people in need. This study found that the average life-time loss per such person was an estimated $ 566 thousand in lost wages, $ 67 thousand in lower pension benefits plus $ 25 thousand loss of Soc. Sec. benefits.
Also, many of the employees who are caregivers get passed over for promotions and are the first ones who are eliminated when a downsizing of the business takes place.
These problems of the employees, who are also serving as caregivers, could be almost eradicated if the employers of caregivers would let their caregiving employees to perform telework style for some or much of their workload. About only one in four businesses offers employees who are caregivers such advantages as flexible hours, telecommuting, paid leave in case of emergencies and compassionate understanding.
The legislation which would support the employers of the caregivers could also include a double or increased tax break for the employer if the business would allow the employees, who are involved in caregiving, to perform most of their work with great degree of flexibility such as telecommuting and flexible time.
So let us organize a strong campaign for the independent third party online convention followed by an election campaign in each of the 50 states and then onto the Presidential elections, which could include in their platforms the special tax break for the businesses who employ and appreciate employees who are also dedicated caregivers.
National Family Caregivers Association
NFCA: National Family Caregivers Association. Dedicated to making life better for America's family caregivers. Includes information on NFC Month, ...
FCA: Family Caregiver Alliance Home
Handbook for Long-Distance Caregivers · A Physician's View of Caregiver Health ... Caregivers at Risk · Updated Fact Sheet: Selected Caregiver Statistics ...
Empowering Caregivers - Choices, Healing, Love
A rich, safe nurturing site for all caregivers focused on providing practical emotional and spiritual support with tools for self-empowerment and a strong ...
MedlinePlus: Caregivers
Caregivers. ... Financial Issues; Financial Steps for Caregivers: What You Need to Know about Money and Retirement (Administration on Aging) - Links to PDF ...
The AgeNet Eldercare Network
CareGiver :: Information Source for CareGivers for Those in Need ..... is a leading provider of support and information for those caring for the elderly, heart attack survivors, diabetes care, ...
National Family Caregiver Support Program
The report, Young Caregivers in the US, can be downloaded from: *, Financial Steps for Caregivers ...
Coalition of Essential Schools National Office
For over twenty years, CES has been a national leader in public education transformation. Guided by the Common Principles, CES strives to create and sustain ...
CareGivers-USA Help that's close to home
CareGivers-USA Finding help at home. ... CareGivers-USA is a nationwide, non-commercial directory of community-based caregiver support services -- intended ...
ALZwell Alzheimer's Caregivers Page
Information and support for people caring for elderly with Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia.
Janine M. Lodato
P.O.Box 838
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