State/Local level ground teams

posted by tolas on July 14, 2024 - 11:19am
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You mention at the end of the most recent FAQ that "An on-the-ground team is being built in every state..".

I was just wondering how this is progressing, and how we as unity08 delegates can get in on this state/local level action. Will there eventually be a web front where people can organize themselves by state/city to plan events and meetups?

I also think some kind of short brochure or pamphlet would be helpful for people to hand out at events (or to friends) that would describe the basics of unity08 and point them to the website.

I know there are a few of us who are getting anxious to get out there and actually do something (offline).


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popo on January 13, 2024 - 7:00pm

Following the suggestion I made to Doug Bailey - Pick A Ticket & A Platform - (And Run With It) I've given my recommendations for both on my Blog, The Ticket I Picked Is Serious and Based On Knowledge, Experience For The Task Involved - The Platform Is Based On Attacking/Resolving Core Issues For Reform To Set The Stage For Taking Back Our Country ..

It will be controversial - Millions Will Relate To Its Possibilities If It's "leaked" to the press in an appropriate form.

If you click on - scroll back to December 24 - then come forward, you'll have the complete picture and rationale.

With all due respect - I can't think of a more effective way to grow the movement in the kind of time frame we need to be able to work.

Hamilton, you were around when I first tried to do something about this in the late 1960's, I was doing a consulting assignment for a major corporation involved in International business - I came across some warning signals and did my damnedest to warn both parties and President Nixon (through Bob Halderman) before he actually took office. Ted Kennedy, Gerald Ford, and many others were warned along with readers of Knight Newspapers (in those days).

I've been dealing with the Middle East for years - I've spent almost 60 years working with Foreign entities including Governments at the operating levels ..

When you see my choice for Pres & VP, and see my rationale - you of all people should recognize its potential for achieving a number of worthwhile objectives.

Sorry to get so long winded ..

Just trying to help !

Citizen Evans of Boynton Beach, Florida (popo)

rkljohnson on January 8, 2024 - 4:44pm

One of the problems I am encountering in my efforts to encourage people to go to Unity08 is apathy. A feeling of "things will never change, so why bother". I am no tech wiz or anything ( I don't even know how to edit a wiki) but what I am doing is sending playlists to friends of politically inspiring music. Guthrie, Seeger, Lennon for my friends. I know for different generations and different people it will be different music but somehow music is breaking down the apathy. Just a thought.
K Johnson

Anya Harris on January 8, 2024 - 9:33pm

Great idea K Johnson! How about thinking about best way to use videos to inspire people...such as posting videos as to why each of us have joined Unity08 and what we hope to accomplish.

rkljohnson on January 13, 2024 - 5:42pm

I can't even get people interested to go to the website. I guess you could say it is the "cool" thing not to be interested in politics (couple issues ago in "Wired" magazine listed as the "old" thing to do). Call it the the Gen X apathy. Loved the the Atlantic spread but how can we get a spread in something like "Wired"? Or can you get something on youtube? I am not that tech savy.
K Johnson

popo on January 8, 2024 - 11:20pm

Anya, for God's Sake Girl, click on : there's a package being offered to you that can make UNITY08's Dreams Come True .. I've got too much invested in this to let you blow me off without an answer.

Read my presentation in the Shout Box telling about the Perversion of Our Constitution & what we must do about it !!

Are you guys just going through the motions to generate more revenue - or are you serious about wanting to help us take back our country ?? if the latter is true - prove it to me by reading and responding to my postings Starting With December 24 2024 thru January 8th 2024.

If I don't get an appropriate response by Thursday Jan 11th 06 - I'll know I'm wasting my time with UNITY08 and I'll post an announcement to that affect on my Blog.

Sorry it's come to this - this had the makings of a Vehicle that could have really made a difference.


Citizen Evans of Boynton Beach, Florida

popo on January 8, 2024 - 6:26pm

Kirston, I'm 82 Years old - I've been fighting the Apathy of The American Eligible Voters since the late 1960's ..

I thought 9/11 and The Handling of Katrina would be the wake up call that would do the job : that would make EVERY AMERICAN realize how vulnerable we had become due to political partisanship and incompetence, unfortunately that's all it did - wake them up enough to add to the partisanship and confusion.

The problem is basically a simple one - that UNITY08 could help solve if it had the wisdom and courage to follow my Flight Plan, what's missing is A PLAN & A VEHICLE THAT THE AVERAGE AMERICAN CAN RELATE TO & SUPPORT ... I'VE PROVIDED THAT PLAN - The Establishment Of A Third Party - A Bipartisan Party Called The AMERICAN UNITY PARTY, I've Provided A Ticket & A Platform That Will Do What Needs To Be Done : All WE Need Now Is For UNITY08 To Adopt My Plan, My Ticket & Platform, And Establish The America Unity Party & Campaign for Its National Acceptance & Support.

Just click on, scroll back to December 24/06 and come forward to today's posting, read and digest the content and consider the specific issues and recommendations - draw your own conclusions - then voice your opinion, if there's something you don't understand - let me know, but don't ever criticize without offering a better alternative.


Hamilton M. Jordan on September 1, 2024 - 11:32am

Good question. Don't forget that we - you and me - are building this citizens' movement from scratch to turn this country around. There is no exact model for what we are doing. While they might be some suggestions and ideas from the "national office" (check out the What We Believe section of the website), this effort is going to depend on people like me and you to be creative in building this grass-roots army.

Several specific suggestions:

1. Send short note to your email list, describing the reasons YOU believe in Unity08 and refer them to website for sign-up or just a look see.

2. Try to find neighbors and friends who will be part of a local organization. Get them together, sign them up and get them on website. While the Internet is crucial, we must undergird our internet support with local people and local leadership. By bringing people together, you will be able to identify what support we have in your community and what skills, abilities and commitment we have.

3. Whether they sign up or not, discuss the issues and concerns that you and they have.

4. Create activities that spread word and Unity08 "brand," letters to editor in local paper, organized call in to talk shows that discuss politics and current events.

You let me know what is working in your area and I will let you know what is working here in Atlanta.

Thanks for your effort and commitment!

johnny D on August 29, 2024 - 3:22pm

Thank you Hamilton for the your advise "to go do it". This is what many of us wish to do. What guidelines do we use? What materials are available? I do not wish to veer from the founders and members position when recruiting or spreading the word of Unity 08. Honestly is easy. Meaning is easy. Wording is everything. Guidance is important. Any guidance or suggestions to these questions will make recruiting/informing people of Unity 08 alot easier. Thanks

Skeptical on July 15, 2024 - 11:43am

Being of a skeptical mind, I'm always poised to expect the worse from any-one/thing connected with politics especially campaigns. Seeing the a good number of the founding members are media connected,political consultants, film/tv producers .. etc, can I take it on faith that NONE of these directors will benefit personally, or have contracts, or be awarded financially?

Would the founding members do a pledge and publish publically that they will remain independent and maintain a volunteer status with respect to Unity08?

I do expect an answer.

Hamilton M. Jordan on July 15, 2024 - 11:24am

Thanks for your good question.

I agree with every suggestion you made...but implementing them will take energy, innovation, commitment and some time.

Let me make one important point. Working together, we have introduced this concept of Unity08 and had a strong reaction. However, it is still very, very early in the electoral process, and most of the attention of both parties, their activists, and fundraisers are on the 2024 elections. While most of us in Unity08 - I think and hope - are focused on the presidential contest in 2024 like a laser beam. While we have had a good public reception from the pundits, 99.9% of the American people [and voters] have never heard of Unity08. So, we all have much to do to spread the word and explain the concept. And I am fully aware that major aspects of who and what we are it not yet decided and will be decided by our online supporters.

While Unity08's future and ability to grow exponentially, select candidates, and have an on-line convention is largely dependent on the power of the Internet, I believe that we have to leverage our current supporters and interested friends - who have come to Unity08 by way of the Internet - with more traditional state, city and local organizations.

We are going to attempt in the Fall to begin to organize in a handful of states and develop on-line internet tools so that interested citizens like yourself can take and apply in your own area.

BUT, don't wait for us. Feel free if you wish to proceed to organize in your neighborhood, town, city or state. Innovation is the heart and soul of this citizens' movement that we are trying to build in hopes of turning this country around!

We have time but not the luxury of time. It is 28 months to the general election, but there is much to do to challenge and change our political system. We started early so that we could build this mechanism that would enable a "national conversation" about our flawed political system, develop a broad consensus about a "national agenda" and ultimately a discussion and decision about which candidates we will support on the Unity08 ticket.

The group of us who started this movement are not trying to or going to "cram down the throats" of our supporters exactly how this should all evolve and develop. We are just trying to provide a framework and mechanism that contain and exploit the best features of open debate and democracy.

Thanks for your interest and comment.

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