Technology & Unity08

posted by BobRoth on August 7, 2025 - 3:42pm

Unity08 is breaking ground on the American Agenda by asking all of our membership to participate in a detailed survey of the issues facing our Country. "Ground-breaking" in our case involves both leveraging tools that have been tested on the market and helping to develop technologies that have yet to be launched in public. These tools will help us to recruit, communicate, and record the opinions of, eventually, millions of Americans.

As an early-adopting member, we need your help and understanding along the way. The benefit, of course, is that you are taking part in an experience that has never before been done. Your feedback is vital to making each aspect of the movement valuable. The downside, you may also experience some technical challenges as we move toward full deployment of the American Agenda.

With the recent first vote on the American Agenda, we released invitations to the membership in small quantities. This allowed us to fix any technical hurdles that we discovered. Some of you experienced a slow or inaccessible survey right at launch, which was caused by a combination of the high level of security and/or the number of members concurrently taking the survey.

We have released both secure and non-secure versions of the study during the distribution process. A random sampling of studies completed in secure mode will be used to formulate the published results.

We've gotten an overwhelming response and completion rate. Therefore, we know that our members are excited about this opportunity to be heard. We appreciate all of the feedback that we have received and look forward to announcing the results.

We absolutely take everything we do and present to the membership seriously. This is not a half-hearted effort to enact change. We will be pushing existing tools to volumes that have never before been tested, and we will be building technologies that allow our members to interact and participate in their government. It is our goal to work with vendors and our own internal developers to build/locate the tools that provide the best solutions, then make sure that they can handle the volume, integrity, and security that our movement demands.

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I've found that it is very easy to complain about what IS NOT happening or what is wrong with a project. I say Let's Start Here and Move Forward. Learn from mistakes and make improvements. Unity08 is trying something a bit different in some ways and radically different in other ways. The online convention is to me a pretty radical twist to an old idea (online polling). Maybe it's not the most far out idea, but it is functioning. I say let's work it and see how it works.

William Cerf
Congressional District 11
Brooklyn, NY

For information about voting and democracy in the USA see the Center for Voting and Democracy website at

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