Democratic debate

posted by Quicksilver on April 26, 2025 - 7:31pm
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Curious about other's reactions.
I'll throw out mine - I didn't get to watch all, I hope papers carry complete transcripts:
Gavel - Obviously out there, but some valid points, and it's clear he isn't coached. Where did he come from??

Hillary - Obviously coached. Every word selected for effect. I still have no idea what she really believes. I feel I'm watching an ad campaign. I still don't like her.
Kucinich - I was more impressed by him than ever before - he did well in expressing himself.
Obama - I liked his appeal for unity, and end to divisiveness. An eloquent speaker.
Edwards - just sounded intelligent - I don't know how else to put it.
Dodd - seemed a stereotypical politician to me.
Richardson - I continue to be impressed. He isn't coached, isn't being marketed, he comes across as real, and well thought out.
Joe Biden - Very sensible, logical, and easy to follow. I like him a lot.

Overall I continue to feel comfortable with Biden, Edwards, Richardson, and Obama (in no order).
I'll read up on Kucinich, even tho I feel he has no chance.

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KrisW on April 27, 2025 - 3:56pm

Leave it to quicksilver to start a redundent superflueous topic.

Complete with the 'usual suspects'.

GEA on April 27, 2025 - 1:17pm

I didn't watch the Demo Debate, what's the point?

I'm a fan of article one of the Pennsylvania constitution ( and I am especially fond of section 2:

Political Powers
Section 2.

All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness. For the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think proper.

Since you folks may live here in PA and have not been a part of the movement to reform our state government, you may bot be aware of how difficult this is.

I can't tell you how bad things are when you try to reform an entrenched governmental elite. The tricks they have to stay in power are numerous and very effective, so much so that a good idea or many good ideas can easily be shot down and buried by the republocrats. Don't think for a second that they play fair. The only thing that has worked at all is a populist approach strong at the ballot box. Anything but an overwhelmingly popular movement will be countered by the republocrats along with their dirty tricks and voter bribing pork barrel.

I have seen the excesses of the elected officials and they are shameful. Their entrenched elitist attitude is their biggest weak spot. Even when you show their excesses to the people, they attempt to justify themselves. It makes them look much worse when you see them try to justify their largess.

That is the key to change, their arrogance. We are not dealing with people like you and me, we are dealing with people who think they are above the law and that they are entitled to better than the rest of us.

In essense, what we are doing is taking back our country from two corrupt well positioned institutions, the democratic and republican political party machines. So watch them all you want, but trust them? No way.

Me?? -- I've seen enough.

justjoe on April 27, 2025 - 10:44am

Political debates are a real misnomer aren't they? There was no debating last nite. It was all sound-bites and programmed responses. But it did give us a chance to see 'em "up close and personal." I would much prefer a town-hall meeting without the media present, like they do in New England. Would be more honest.

Anyway.... agree Edwards, intelligent; Obama, eloquent and Unifying; Richardson, I now want to learn more about this dark-horse candidate; Hillary, who?

Quicksilver on April 27, 2025 - 12:04pm

Correct - it was not a debate. They were asked questions, and made statements. A debate is back-and-forth. I was glad there wasn't that - it'll come - I recall how Bush smeared McCain in primaries. Among the reasons McCain has fallen in my opinion is that McCain is now 100% behind Bush. If I were McCain, I wouldn't give Bush the time of day...

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

John Milligan on April 27, 2025 - 12:35pm

I do not think you are going to get that back and forth there Quick. The way the primaries are front-loaded now, it is going to be sound-bite and handlers heaven between now and Super-Duper Tuesday - even in my home state Iowa caucuses! Real sad. I would love it (if there was a God in Heaven) to see a Dem and a Repub square off in Debates (McCain vs Edwards, Kucinich vs Brownback, etc) THEN you would really get some good enlightening back and forths.

Nope I think it's going to be soundbite/handlers heaven with Iowa and New Hampshire REALLY pulling in the big bucks on all this kabuki ritual the media likes to spin up as the IA/NH Srpingboards to Super-Duper Tuesday. God love the people of Iowa! They really do do diligence (at least the small activist ones that show up) But it's really a lousy way to pick Prez!

Quicksilver on April 27, 2025 - 1:08pm

Funny you should mention handlers - afterwards, the interviewers wanted to see how each candidate felt they did - I didn't see all, but they spoke with Hillary's handler, not Hillary. Richardson, Gavel, and Kucinich spoke for themselves, not thru a handler. I don't want to hear what a handler says - I'm not voting for/against THEM.

I hope we got lots of debates later - dem vs rep - but the point was they billed it as a debate, but it wasn't, nor do I think it should have been with candidates of the same party.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

John Milligan on April 27, 2025 - 4:13pm

The scripts and the soundbites willbe flying big time!! when ever I go back to Iowa to vist at Christmastime before the Caucuses its just a nightmare. My In-Laws mail box is overflowing everyday and the radio/TV ads are wall to wall. It will undoubtably be a real zoo in Iowa this go around. Will try to plan an family get together out here in DC maybe (to spare us the caucus leadup trauma) where it's hard to find any politicos at Holiday time.

The State Fair in Des Moines is fun though- looking forward to Hill and Bill and Richardson and the assembled casts wolfing down the deep fat corn dogs to the deep scrutiny of discerning Iowans. That is about as deep as the "back-and-forth" willget I'm afraid!! If you all want to see a real zoo schedule some time in Iowa this summer/fall. It will be a site to be hold on how our politics have degenerated. Maybe Unity could get a bus out there (with Waterston of course) to shadow the whole crew and give them some REAL straight talk on the REAL modearte options Unity COULD present - that is if we had some viable options to present!!

dcday7 on April 26, 2025 - 10:14pm

quicksilver, My bottom line with all candidates before they see my approval is where they stand on border security and illegal immigration.

Quicksilver on April 27, 2025 - 10:09am

Who pleased you?

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69

dcday7 on April 27, 2025 - 3:00pm

Quicksliver, I did not see the debate but heard some answer they gave on radio. So from what I heard is not enough for me to make a determination on the candidates.

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