Tuesday, June 19, 2025
Media Contact:
Elizabeth Estes-Cooper
Abbey Riddles
JHG/Townsend for Unity08
Statements by Doug Bailey and Jerry Rafshoon, Co-Founders of Unity08, on Michael Bloomberg’s decision to change his party affiliation from Republican to Unaffiliated.
"The announcement by Michael Bloomberg reinforces what Unity08 has been saying since our inception, that the current political system is broken and does not address the concerns of the majority of the population. Although we had no prior knowledge of Mayor Bloomberg’s intentions and we have no idea what it may or may not mean to Unity08, it is obvious that he too understands the need for common ground."
Doug Bailey, Co-Founder, Unity08
"Michael Bloomberg is the perfect independent leader. And, a very competent one who knows how to work across party lines to get results."
Jerry Rafshoon, Co-Founder, Unity08
About Unity08
Unity08 is a bipartisan political movement attracting Americans deeply concerned with the polarization of our political system. Unity08 will provide American voters access to a new and highly participatory process to nominate and elect a bipartisan ticket to the White House in 2025. Learn more at